Namine jumped a little. "Oh, hi."
Kairi turned bright red, slightly embarassed.
Namine blushed faintly as he walked away.
Kairi smiled. "Don't worry, we will." She looked at the sleeping teen and thought for a second, trying to remember if she knew what he'd caught.
"Thanks." Namine smiled. Out of all the people she'd met so far, Kadaj interested her the most. Everyone else called her Miss or Princess or something extremely formal, but right away, he just called her by her name.
"He might have caught some sort of island fever...Destiny Islands tends to have a few of those." Kairi said remembering the times she'd caught something from Sora or Riku.
"Erm...alright." Namine glanced at the room again. She could have sworn she'd seen him a while ago.
Kairi nodded, but her expression turned to worried when she saw that the two were leaning over someone who looked like he was in extreme pain. She hurried over.
Namine followed Kadaj.
Namine smiled faintly. "Namine is fine. Do you have any clue where my room would be?" she asked.
Kairi jumped backward into Demyx, surprised by the intensity of the shout.
Noticing Roxas, Namine stopped for a second and watched him walk around.
Kairi smiled and followed Demyx into the portal. 'Knew he would see it my way.'
"Um...shall we find a table?" Namine frowned slightly. She didn't understand why she had been acting so nervous around him. 'Nami, calm down.' she told herself.
Namine looked over at Kadaj. "Help would be appreciated."
Kairi folded her arms over her chest. "I think Roxas would be pretty pissed off if you left me here. You can leave Geryl here though." She grinned widely.
A little startled by the appearance of the swords, Namine nervously said, "I'm kind of....lost. Is there anyway you could help?"
Namine quickly got lost in the mansion. Noticing Sharix walking around, she walked up to her, hoping that the other girl would know where she was going.
Banned for having nothing against someone.
Namine smiled. "Thank you, I will." She walked inside, eager to explore the mansion.