As he hugged her, she cried for a few minutes, clinging tightly to him. After she stopped crying, there was a moment of silence before she asked something that was on her mind. "Do you remember the secret place?" she asked suddenly. "When we made that drawing? After you left, I went there. And when I saw what you added to the drawing, I was so happy. I was crying and smiling and mourning. And while you were gone for a year, I held on to my memories of you, and thought of how you would come back soon. Even if I didn't remember everything about you, I still remembered you. I remembered you because I loved you, Sora. I still love you. How can you let someone else take that away?"
Kairi didn't seem to hear him, and she continued talking. "I don't understand. could you even believe something like that without looking for me? Without looking for a body? Without looking for proof that I was dead." Tears gushed out of her eyes as she continued venting. "You can't just smile and tell me it'll all be okay this time, Sora. You can't just say you love me because obviously if you loved me, you would have checked to see if I was dead. Who the...who the heck do you think you are to think that you can just go off with Namine and leave me and Roxas shattered to pieces?!?" She was shouting now, and most likely attracting attention, but she didn't care anymore. "I just don't...I don'" Kairi shook, trying to calm down. OOC: *sigh* I must go...later peoples. ^^
Emotion after emotion ran through Kairi's head; anger, sadness, happiness, and most of all, an odd feeling of being betrayed. "Sora..." She shook her head softly, trying to think of what to say. "I...I don't...." Her words were stiffled by a quiet sob as she shut her eyes tightly and hugged her knees. She didn't understand anything anymore. How could Sora (sweet, caring Sora) have not even checked to see if she was alive. " could you?"
Kairi froze for a second. "Sora?" she asked weakly, scared that if she turned around, he wouldn't be there, and that she'd be imagining things.
Kairi sighed, looking ahead into the sky. What was taking them so long? Maybe they'd forgotten about her.
Kairi sighed as she sat, staring ahead. She wondered if Roxas and the others had already started their plan. "Being little is so much easier..." she muttered to herself, playing with her hair. "You don't get your heart broken, and you don't have to worry about love."
Namine yawned. "So..." OOC: I'll be back laters, people. ^^
Namine smiled. "That'd be nice."
Namine noticed Rayce walking around and looked over curious. She didn't remember seeing him before...
" need to stop doing that." Kairi muttered, peeling Zarix off her.
"It's not the funnest thing in the world. It's just annoying because all everyone ever calls me is 'Princess' or 'Miss', and everyone treats me differently."
"Sort of..."
Namine nodded.
Namine shifted her feet back and forth. Kadaj hadn't come back yet, and she hadn't seen Roxas either.
Kairi felt a pang of sympathy for him. She thought for a second. Her mother had always sung to her when she'd be sick and shouting, and it had slightly helped. She racked her brain for a lullaby and hummed the parts that she knew, trying to remember it.
Kairi, unsure of what to do, awkwardly watched Zarix. She was always left alone with someone she didn't know, wasn't she?
"It's fine." Namine told her. "Let's start over. I'm Namine." she held out her hand to Sharix.
Kairi heard Demyx's shriek of pain and figured he was probably getting his hair cut or something. Larxene seemed like the type to torture people.
"Um...I'm okay."
Namine noticed Sharix coming back, and blinked, a little tense around her.