OOC: ...we haven't really done that much. We're attempting to save Agent Namine now. "...drat." Zexion muttered. Five minutes wasn't enough time for them to get Namine out of there and stop Ansem.
This time, the airplane missed her head. ...why are you still down there anyway? Don't wanna come see me or something? :P She smiled and sent the paper airplane back.
"What, I'm not aloud to get stressed out hanging out with you people for a whole night?" Larxene took another shot of rum. OOC: Um...Marluxia keeps turning into Sephy, and the group's drinking some rum.
"Ow!" The piece of paper had the unfortunance of hitting Namine in the head with the point. She peeled the note off her hair, read it, and responded. "Hermione and Mr. Vexen are talking about something...neither of them look that mad...yet..." She sent the note flying towards what she hoped was the office.
Kairi nodded. "Thanks!" She took off in the direction Jecht had pointed. OOC: ...wait, who were you talking to? *is confused*
'I wish I hadn't left my stuff in my dorm room...' Namine thought. She could use a good book or something right now. OOC: Parents and homework are a bad combo... XD
Namine sat in the office. She had seen Mr. Vexen run after Hermione earlier, and figured that he was probably going to question Hermione, which would lead to more questioning for her... OOC: I'm doing some homework, so if my posts seem slow, that would be why.
Namine watched Hermione walk off, feeling an odd mix of relief with her already nervous mood.
OOC: Ah...school is evil. Thank godness I'm free from it....until the freaking morning...then I have to go back. :/ Namine nervously wrung out her hands behind her back. She never really felt confident with a lot of attention on her...
OOC: ...probably where ever you left them. Oh, and I'll feel free to hit him for you. ;) Kairi slapped Jecht, her eyes glittering angrily. "His name is Sora. Have you seen him?"
Namine looked slightly embarassed with everyone staring at her, but started her story anyway. "I was hanging out in the hallway with Demyx, and he and Axel were talking about something when Hermione burst in and yelled at him about something. They argued a little bit, but Hermione was the one who started the whole fight." Namine sighed, trying to remember the rest. She'd been in the middle of the scuffle, so she hadn't been paying much attention to what had happened.
Kairi frowned. "I needed to go see Sora. Do you know where he is?"
"Oh, that's right!" Kairi smiled faintly. "Jecht...right?"
Namine rolled her eyes. "I was the one who had to sit there and nearly got hit about 5 times. I'm as good a witness of any as to what happened."
Kairi stopped running for a second and looked up. "Do I know you?" she asked curiously.
Namine spoke a little louder, feeling ignored. "Excuse me."
Mine is prononced Twilight - Wish. Simple as that. ^^
Namine pushed her way into the room. "Wait a second, sir."
Namine regreted coming to the office after she heard all the shouting. She covered her ears and winced. 'They were fighting over the fight they'd had earlier, but to the principal?' she thought, confused.
After slipping the note under Demyx's door, Namine had been walking back to her room when she heard loud shouting coming from the office. Curious, she went to check it out.