Buried in the Snow from Final Fantasy VII Original Soundtrack
Janime's algebra is a roundabout way to calculate 1 / Decimal Notation. 1 / .25 = 4 1 / .35 = 2.857142857142857... 1 / .50 = 2 1 / .75 = 1.333333333333333...
Oyasumi Punpun
Liar Game
I started using that term due to it being used already in the thread/articles posted in the thread. It didn't have any significant meaning beyond shorthand.
I do not believe this and I am not presenting it. This discussion centers around the n word so that is where my discussion lies. I have no desire to diverge further.
Bunny Ain't No Kind of Rider by of Montreal
@A Zebra The point I'm getting at is that you put all of your effort into defending yourself or playing the devil's advocate. When we said, 'PoC are oppressed and some of them would like to reclaim the n word as a display of throwing off their shackles', you said, 'That doesn't mean they can judge people for being white'. Who judged white people? Looking back, I'm not sure what you're reacting to. Judgment of people doesn't have anything to do with reclaiming language. Given the bizarre reaction to the what's been said, you seem to have some pent-up resentment regarding this topic.
Between standing against anti-PoC racism and standing against the backlash, which do you devote more energy to? So far all I've seen you do is try to justify inaction. Note: Equal energy isn't good either because one of them is far less harmful than the other.
The way you've been talking, it looks like your demands are that we stop acknowledging the oppression that exists, not that we recognize it for what it is and call it out. Or worse, that you are more concerned by the backlash on indifferent white bystanders than you are about the oppression of PoC itself. That is definitely a racist standard.
Forcing you to take a stand on one side or the other is the point. You being indifferent is a good reason for upset. You claim to want to be rid of prejudice but ignore the prejudice right in front of you. There are two viable options for you. When you are given a privilege due to your race, demand to be treated equally as badly as people of other races. Or, demand that those of other races be treated equally as well as you. In either case you must cause yourself suffering. You can't care about racial prejudice and do nothing about it. Which is it?
Unfortunately this doesn't matter in the real world. In some ways these policies make it worse. You can't get rid of your boss's racism by forcing them to hire you.
Your skin color isn't why they resent you. (Generally speaking.) The fact that you don't take stock of how much better you have it than them because of your race, is. Your lack of outrage, is. Your taking it lightly, is. You don't want to be judged for superficial things? Too bad. You already are. When someone doesn't automatically suspect you of being up to no good and they do suspect someone who is a PoC, they're judging you for a superficial thing just like the other person. Like I said already, you only notice it when the judgments against you are negative. That's your sin. Only speaking out against racial prejudice when it hurts you personally. Boo hoo.
Prescriptivism all the way! Without it we will be in a sea of chaotic misunderstandings.
Not really. Oppression is a lot larger than being judged every once in a while. It has to be pervasive and overwhelming to the point that you can't just shrug it off. It has to have real world consequences. You missed the point of what I said and the link she posted. Misty's link says this far better than I can so please read it carefully. Right now, in the present, there are white people who actively oppress others. That's racism. But there's another side to that. They don't oppress you. Like it or not, you are being treated with racial prejudice. The difference is that it's in your favor. You don't recognize that you are being treated differently based on your race, but you are. You are profiting from it. You don't realize how good you have it. You are able to believe that race doesn't matter because you only experience positive effects from anti-PoC racism. If you were actually in a position where you knew you were at a decided disadvantage in employment, housing, legal issues and so on, you wouldn't be able to say that race doesn't matter. You would see that you don't have a choice in that. Just because you don't care about race doesn't mean you'll get that job, that apartment, that you'll be let off with a warning, that you won't be stopped and frisked on the street for no reason. Because others of your color do care about race, PoC are forced to care. They forced an us-them divide. Here comes you. It's important to realize that you are privileged. Even though you do not care about race, you are not subjected to the same restrictions PoC are. You are given a bump up in social status purely because of your skin color. You are forced to be in a better position than them because you are afforded more options than they are by the same racial prejudices at play that put them down. How can they not blame you for not giving enough of a shit about what happens to them to filter your language? How can you blame them for resenting how much you take your life for granted when they can't have it? You aren't responsible for the history. You may not be responsible for the oppression they face right now. You are responsible to recognize how good you have it and give up your smug attitude toward the problems they face. You are not oppressed. You don't know what oppressed means. You have never been offended or insulted in the way they have. This goes way, way beyond language. The language is just a reminder of the oppression. What would happen if all people stopped using the n word wholesale, including PoC? Nothing. They wouldn't be more free than they were before. What would happen if people used the n word, regardless of race? PoC would still be oppressed but they would then hear the very people who profit from it make light of it. Their race is the basis of that suffering. Your race is the basis of your lack of it. Race shouldn't matter, but that doesn't matter because it does. It created very real social divides that you ended up on the good side of. What you're saying is, "Why can't I just profit from it without feeling bad?"
I believe it would see almost usage. Leave this to language-based forums.
Great link. Thanks for sharing.
The history of oppression by white people of black people has something to say about that. The racism against PoC that still exists today has something to say. They say that it's an insult of the highest degree to compare making light of the brutal annuls of white on black violence to art critique. There is not a history of oppression of chefs by customers or existing prejudice towards chefs by customers. We're not talking about critiquing food. When white people use the n word, it adds insult to injury. It reminds PoC of the centuries of violence their ancestors went through. It reminds them of the racism and violence they face every day. For those who are trying to reclaim the n word as a symbol to the oppressor, the oppressor using the n word as flippantly is just another way for the oppressor to take that power away from PoC. Make no mistake. You are a part of the oppressor because of your skin color. The scales are not even. PoC still face racism inside and outside of the system. By not being a PoC, you are inherently more likely to be one of the people who actively oppress them. Even if you do not actively oppress them, those of your skin color who do will not oppress you because of your skin color. That makes you privileged. When you, who is not oppressed, takes away the symbol of the oppressed, that is also oppression.
Your title says the opposite of what you mean. There is a saying that goes, 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.' If the c word is a serious offense in Rome, don't use it in Rome. The internet is a place where all people of all cultures come together. No one can claim that everyone else should do as they do. That leaves two options: Everyone accepts everyone else's affronts as a product of cultural dissonance. e.g. Let everyone say whatever word they like and desensitize yourself to the insult. Everyone makes an effort to avoid affronting others. e.g. No one uses the c word so that no one is offended. Or offend people and not care about whether or not we get along. What do we know? We know that it's impossible for the speaker to control how other people feel. Offenses are knee-jerk reactions. We would have to disclaim our habits to each person before offending them and come to an agreement. The time it takes to convince each person is unpredictable. We know that we reach the same result instantaneously if we filter ourselves. We can convince ourselves to abstain instead of spending time convincing everyone that we meet to accept our mannerisms. Time and energy are saved. We know that if everyone tried the first option at the same time, we would be spending the majority of our conversations explaining and disclaiming instead of having conversations. Every person must convince every other person to accept them. The workload grows exponentially every time the group gains a member. Imagine an 'everyone shakes hands with everyone else; how many handshakes take place?' problem. We know that everyone would be able to carry on a conversation immediately if they tried the second option. Which is better?
You're joking on swing, right?