In these situations it's usually used as a qualifier. Women are raised to be afraid of sexual assault. Men are not. Negative reactions are bound to be more common among males than females while positive reactions are bound to be more common among females than males. Recognizing that they are all dudes is kind of like excusing them. As in, "It doesn't bother me as much because they are acting out of involuntary ignorance/lack of interest." Contrast with, "They understand our concerns first hand and still want us to stay silent about it." A woman who shares their ideas, however, cannot be excused for ignorance. Their view most likely exists alongside personal experience of fear of sexual assault. It's harder to forgive someone for being on the wrong side of the fence when they have every reason to be on the right side of it.
So much déjà vu.
Read the context you said the first post in... When you said 'vocal minority of that fanbase' you were saying that only a fraction of Bronies are bad.
Anyone who calls themselves a brony is part of said minority.
Imagine a confident person, like a fictional character. Act how you think the character would act.
I'm not sure what you think I mean but I'm pretty sure you got mixed up. The search results would be the same, but instead of only showing the first 100 or so characters of the posts, it would show the entire post in each result. The number of results on each page wouldn't change.
Spoiler Mechanic trivia: All night actions succeed even if the user dies. I got my last Watch result even though I died. I just didn't live to tell about it. The vig's action affects the game even if they aren't there to tell about the result. Night actions can only be stopped by another night role such as the Hooker or Redirector. They can also be prevented by killing the user during the Day before they can take the Night action.
Is it possible to make the search feature return entire posts instead of 100 character or so short versions of them? Reason: It can get tedious opening 30 tabs to see if the posts contain anything worthwhile. Especially when searching for all posts by a particular member. It would be much easier to Ctrl+F on the search page than to Ctrl+F on individual tabs for each post.
It's correct now. /dead post
You and I both know that was taken from the already existing pool.
He would have made a great partner.
3/6 isn't everything. So there.
All of this stuff has been happening since I joined.
From the mouths of babes.