If I were stuck on an island with someone else, I'd probably be too busy bugging the living (or non-living) crap out of them. SOOOOO I'd probably choose: Axel: To pull on his uberly awesome gravity defying hair until he burnt my hands and teleported out of there without me. And then I'd be sad....and bored.... Genie (from Aladin): The word RANDOM (Genie being the random, funny floaty geine guy he is! Seriously, he is throughout a ton of the movie and the KH game.) would apply here. Also, he could summon stuff like a house for me if I asked politely. Kairi: 'Cause she's just cool enough to be deserted on an island with someone cool like me. But then Sora would probably come rescue her while I was gone...and then I'd be alone...:( Out of the three I think I'd pick Genie 'cause then I'm not left alone in the end. :)
Thank you for welcoming me everyone! (I get the feeling I've said thanks a lot...) Posted by shadowjak: Yeah I can see how that would be annoying.
Thank you Kiryu! That makes a little more sense now. And I will be sure to have tons of fun posting, but I don't want to overpost and get all confused...Okay well thankies!
Hello, I'm Katsquatch Klone #5 (that name came from my slight *cough* obsession with cats...). I'm new and I read the rules posted by Sarah. I have one question about them: What is bumping? After reading it, I assumed it had something to do with DELETING posts on a thread you created, but I'm not exactly sure...could someone explain that to me? Many thanks!:)