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  1. Katsquatch Klone #5
    That would suck, not being able to light fireworks. We had some really nice ones this year, but my uncle's really rich and he bought all of these expensive fireworks that go into the air, which aren't exactly allowed but the police never showed up. Some of their neighbors were shooting them off and these little girls who were riding bikes went by as one of ours went off. It was hysterical how they all took off screaming :) (no one was hurt, they weren't close enough). Then they kept coming back though.

    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Katsquatch Klone #5
    I'm listening to Always by Saliva (
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Katsquatch Klone #5
    At the moment, the catchiest song for me is Tetris by 2PM. It's just so easy to like.
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Music
  4. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Sanctuary-Utada Hikaru

    Soxas, I hope it's not my fault your listening to that....
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Fireworks, eh? We did that last week at my uncle's house. The only fireworks I'm getting tonight are the loud BOOMS that you can hear from our neighbor's house. Of course, I keep mistaking it for someone trying to break into my house...
    Darned fireworks....

    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Katsquatch Klone #5
    You are dangerous! Hehehehe....sporks are friggen awesome! It's part spoon, and part fork and...crud, the boredom is kicking in >:(

    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Katsquatch Klone #5
    It is, isn't it?

    The scary part about that is that I know people who go crazy for chocolate food products just like him....
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Tsk, tsk, tsk.

    Didn't anyone ever tell you it is rude to poke people? *pokes random rock"

    "Save the Dorks" fund? How about a "Fun Deprived" fund?

    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Katsquatch Klone #5

    Stupid Fears

    Has anyone ever been afraid of something kinda dumb (you'll see what I mean in a minute) for a short period of time? Well I was afraid of two things for a while.

    One: For nearly three years I have not been able to sleep in the same room as a china (porslin (spelling??)) doll. One of my friends told me a bunch of stories about these 'Black China Dolls' who killed people and then I had three bad dreams. The worst was when one of MY dolls (in my room at that time) was sitting in a camper. When I saw it, it slowly turned it's head towards me and it's eyes were RED. I woke up all sweaty to find the doll sitting by my bed (where I left it of course). I slept with one eye open for the next month.

    Two: I was afraid of Ronald McDonald (from the restraunt)! I had a dream when I was little that he was making Ronald heads in a factory. When he saw me, he smiled, but then he had sharp teeth and started chasing me around with a knife!! Then I drowned in Ronald heads because the machine went berserk and made thousands.

    That's what I mean by stupid. Something you were afraid of and then look back on as being kind of embarrassing.
    Thread by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Yes, boredom has mentally killed all of my friends and has taken away nearly all of my smart (All of my smart? See, boredom is bad!) Yet boredom has brought me to this thread, and it is my duty to post a number.

    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Katsquatch Klone #5
    You Spin Me by Dead or Alive

    You spin me right round catchy :)
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Okay that would make a lot more sense....
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Are you trying to say Xaldin is afraid of girls?? He might be after meeting Larxene but he didn't have problems around Belle.

    Also, I get very irritated when people look over my shoulders while I'm on the computer.
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Katsquatch Klone #5

    This might take a while....*hums the barney theme song and then rips vocal cords out*
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Katsquatch Klone #5
    ....while trying to catch a flying....
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Xaldin raised an eyebrow. "The island? Unless there are natives, wouldn't we have conquered it already?"

    Demyx was just staring at Xemnas with his mouth hanging open. He then attached himself to Xemnas's leg and started whining yet again.

    "Please don't fire me!!! I have no where else to go!"
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Yuffie looked around and noticed that she was getting quite a few looks. She waved her hand in the air.

    "Hey you guys! I'm Yuffie, the best ninja to ever exist!" Then she noticed the earth ball on the floor. Pointing at it she flatly stated "You dropped something."
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Watching each orginization member disappear made me all sad inside, none of them deserved to fade (well, technically some did but that's beside the point).

    I'm not going to list all of them because they all kick butt, but I think Marluxia rocks most. He proves that you can be bad arse and like flowers!
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Yuffie put the marker down and ran to her seat. She had created a picture of what she expected to happen today: A stick Xemnas (that was wearing a dress and high heels) was going 'Blah blah blah...' while stick students had either fallen asleep or died of boredom.

    Then Yuffie began tapping her desk. She itched to move around but she didn't want to get into trouble if the teacher came in (which was bound to happen with the picture still on the board, but who would erase a masterpiece?)
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Katsquatch Klone #5
    Yuffi nodded.

    "If you think your going to have a heck of a time, just be happy about this." Yuffie's expression suddenly showed one of pure annoyance. "I've already been to school and this is going to be my second time! I. HATE. THIS."

    And with that, she proceeded to doodle on the board at the front of the room with a marker.
    Post by: Katsquatch Klone #5, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home