Come back soon! lol have fun on you're trip
If you want to be more religious, then go once a week, but if you prefer it normally, then just go once a month.
Anybody have the DW Mickey code shown in this one. and the weapon mods as well please.
Simple. Effects aren't spammed. colors blend nicely. good job!
I like the light up the sky one best! it looks really nice and abstract.
2nd one is best. the first 1 stands out too much, with the white "slient".
Wow. Nice, and i like the different rays of light. Good blend of colors.
Nice coloring! and the hand looks kinda funny in that position O.O
wow. Streched, and the turquosie is kinda distracting. Also, his neck is way out of it's proportion.
R.I.P Amy. You have to get over her though. Only way you can move on.
lol xD! so leaving "L" to another person?
Nice blood changed into doves. Not sure what the symbol of that is though. a Peaceful Kill?
Is there meant to be a line down the middle of the sig? it looks kinda out of place. Nice though.
Nice, except Sora looks slightly too translucent. But nice!
WHy did you change you name back?
I like the duplicate effect. Nice!
Wow, this should be moved to the spam zone. Anyways, cool. even though i don't know who they are. and one friend says DBSK sucks, while the other says it rules. :S
Nice Sig! and for 3 in the morning, that's awesome!
Define "weird"
Nice white-out effect around the centre. Nice!