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  1. SORA!
    "Dont mention it"He grinned "why dont you get some sleep? That might help you relax a little and calm down."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SORA!
    "Right-o"she laughed shutting the door after her

    "Mention what?"

    "That was when the loud wail came and a small blonde body hurled herself at the window "where are they going? they cant go home without us!"Maddie cried,she always had this fear of being left behind
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. SORA!
    "Future huh? "he said hiding a smile,Hermia was a nice girl,the best his son had ever been with,he just hoped there was a future for them "I'll make you a promise -Im better at keeping them than he is-"he jerked his head in his sons direction "I promise that River will be fine....he'll live and you two will have a whole shabang."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. SORA!
    "Tell me about it....nothing new though"she laughed"been there got the t-shirt and all that."

    "Technically your my sister's neice....but we're more or less family since I was raised with your mum."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. SORA!
    "see? Plenty of protection....and they've given him a month....we'll deal with what ever happens then...concentrait on the persent."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SORA!
    "Thanks"she laughed "I'll get Casey to give you a call when everythings ....ok."she said laughing weakly

    "No need for the insult."he said heading down stairs.

    ooc- okies ^^
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. SORA!
    "I know....Its.....more than terrifying watching him leave the house and thinking he might not come back.....either by force or choice."he said "But If they even think of hurting him.....they wont live much longer because Im going to do my damnest to make sure he lives to a good he can mature and have a family of his own......and as he so pointedly keeps telling us he's not a child anymore....he can fight if they do come for him....they're in for a suprise."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SORA!
    she giggled weakly "Lets just get to the hospital...."she said"Elle,could you keep a eye on the twins and Cory for us?"

    "Your pretty smart for a....-what age are you now?"

    ooc-I made this since the clash of the races is near enough finished
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SORA!

    Time warp

    One day in the summer during a freak Storm, Jordan and Alex are fighting over a old picture book of their parents,then the book is suddenly struck by purple lightning and to their confusement and horror they are stucked back to a time when their parents where their age or younger,along with Lyra,Casey and Elle.

    But being back in time has its good points and bad ones, good ones,they see what their parents were really like before they became 'Mum and Dad.' and how they acted in school, the bad points? Voldemort's still around and killing. So what do they do when a time warp suddenly drops them off in the middle of a order of the Pheniox meeting? and can they hide who they really are ? and can they get home once more?


    Name: Lyra Stacey Spinnett
    apperence: [​IMG]
    parents: Lily and Lewis Spinnett
    Fake name: Lyndsay Sprintz

    Name: Lily Luna Potter
    age: 15
    parents: Harry and Ginny Potter

    Name: Jordan Lewis Spinnett
    apperence: [​IMG]
    parents: Lily and Lewis Spinnett
    Fake name: Jayden Sprintz

    Name: Lewis William Spinnett
    parents: Honour and William Spinnett

    Name: Alex Harry Potter
    apperence: [​IMG]
    parents:Albus and Sophie Potter
    Fake name: Alec Potts.

    Name: Albus Serverus Potter
    age: 19
    apperence: [​IMG]
    parents:Harry and Ginny Potter
    Thread by: SORA!, May 18, 2010, 204 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SORA!
    "Dont be....everything will be fine."he smiled and just as River had said "I promise."
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SORA!
    She nodded "Just a kick" she said though her voice was slightly higher,then her eyes suddenly went wide "Um...Casey....its time."

    "Well.....she just doesnt want you lying"he said
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SORA!
    "What? Oh yeah He should be fine....though...The mornning might hit him like a ton of bricks but....thats what he gets."he shrugged"are you ok?"
    Post by: SORA!, May 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SORA!
  14. SORA!
  15. SORA!
    "You dont hide your opnions do you?"

    "Thankfully"she said,moving slightly,as if she was uncomfortable.
    Post by: SORA!, May 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. SORA!
    Mickey slowly came down the stairs,ruffling his hair,he'd just pyhsically had to put his 24 year old son to bed....after Summer had left,River had went to his cousin's,and as he always had,he followed the flow,and of course River had ended up totaly out his face,worse than he ever had been in his life...but Mickey had been thinking about how maybe ...River was trying to live his life while he could....this had only occured to him when he'd pulled River's pajama top on. He sighed

    River,like always when he was drunk,was out cold,passed out.If he wasnt sitting up right or standing when drunk...he fell asleep right away
    Post by: SORA!, May 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SORA!
    "Gee thanks."

    She laughed,"Thank god its not twins again.."
    Post by: SORA!, May 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SORA!
  19. SORA!
    he bent down to kiss her

    ooc-move on till later? I can think of anything to say.
    Post by: SORA!, May 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. SORA!
    "wont be long untill its four we have too keep a eye on "she laughed

    "OW....paper cut."he said sucking his finger,standing up "Come on Jamei."
    Post by: SORA!, May 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home