ooc-just make a picture of him show up on the tv? "Very silly.."he said
"Probably?"Lyra squeaked "Im not so sure that's their names....the girl....Lyndsay took to long to come up with her own name...and seem to just rhyme names off the top of her head for the others....but he does look like your brother...."lily said quietly
ooc-Ok I just have to figure out how to start it XD he laughed weakly,"Yeah....I know."
"He looks like Al doesnt he? but he's got blue eyes....Albus has brown....swap that and bang twins."Lily said "and the dark haired one looks like Lewis and a mix of my dad....but more...babyish...." Lyra stared,Oh my god...they'd been pulled out of their safe enviornment and thrown up into a war ooc-long day?
"I mean It this time.....I am never going near Alcohol ever again...."he muttered"No thanks....I dont think I can stomach anything right now.....god I've felt so bad in my life." ooc-I had this idea that River goes to the head of the army to sort everything out but he ends up blowing the place up or something and it comes on the tv that he's dead,but he;s really in the hospital and Ocean or someone could call and let the family know? make it a little more exciting...
"I know...Its like looking in a mirror ..the little burnnett kinda looks like you."Lily said "Voldemort."Ginny said "He's still out there..." " what ?" ooc-ok see ya ^^
"Then why-?"Lily said shaking her head"Its confusing." "Of course, I dont want a bunch of kids waundering around at night, especially at these dangerous times."
"Yeah....they do....maybe they're long lost family or something? Is the blonde your cousin?" "And we'll just be going....so you can carry on.."Lyra said
"Tell me about....normal weird I like much better...." Lyra glanced at Casey,could they keep up this lie?
"Memeber?"Jordan muttered "The order....remember? shut up just now..."Lyra whispered Lily looked at Conni,raising a eyebrow,she was almost certain that the red haired boy was going to say her name....but he didnt know her....so how could he?
ooc-night ^^ "Co- She's right"Alex said Lyra looked at him sharply,He'd almost said Conni...then they would have been in big trouble
"Um....Here and there..."she replied to her mother "wow...that sums it up right...'here and there'...."Lewis laughed "Lewis...."his mother muttered "shush." "even dad's being a jacka**"Jordan muttered "Because we dont have the asnwers idiot."
"Seriously? I cant remeber much."he said "we did warn you before hand...Maybe you'll listen next time." "There wont be a next time...."he mumbled dropping his head onto the table
"Give us a go?.....you mean....you and him....."he said "He's in so much trouble....wait till I tell Casey....obviously not today since they have a baby arriving today but wait..."
"Are you gonna let him talk to her like that?"Jordan said "Huh..Ca-Caleb? he's your....you-know-what." "Leave it Jo-Jay." Lily glared back for a few seconds before turning to the group,smiling" Where are you lot from then?"
"Is....that what was wrong at the wedding? did you tell him then? did he reject you?"he asked becoming angry once again
"I can imagine"she giggled"Oh my god! it's alive!" Mickey snickred "shut up Elena...I have a headache..."he said his voice hoarse
"Sorry."he said scrambling off her "Nobody speaks to my sister like-" "Shut up....your only making him mad..."Lyra muttered,Casey's grandfather had always slightly scared her "Oh come on...he's only sticking up for his sister...you didnt need to insult them." "Lily...."Albus muttered
"Dad...your such a hypocrite....didnt you used to go out with Ronan and Shawn and Nate all the time?" "I stopped that after I got married Elly." "Problem solved...Hermia....make him marry you."she smiled"You'd be amazing as a sister in law....and I'd get to be a aunty...though tiny River's running around.....I dunno." River shuffled- actually shuffled- down the stairs as if every step caused him pain,his blonde hair was sticking up at one side and was completely flat on the other
"You didnt tell him you were pregnant? Elle..."he sighed