Mickey took hold of her upper arm incase she should fall
"That wont work on me Casey Malfoy."she said turning her head,though she did flush red he smiled back
" 'Kay" he said,seeming to calm down far too quickly
he nodded grabbing his car keys
ooc-XD she laughed "yeah."he said "night"she said
he sighed ooc- yeah ^^
"we can go see him."
ooc- I'd kill him if my dad did something like that XD she laughed "yeah."he said "yeah me too."
He nodded after saying goodbye to his daughter,"Ocean says he's bruised and burned and will be scarred....but hes fine."
ooc-yeah lol "I wouldnt have."
"and how exactly Mr Malfoy did you plan to get into 'some hotties' bed?" he hugged her back slightly she smiled ooc-random much?
"Ok."he said "see you in a bit."
Ooc- Its possible XD Nah Im kidding...maybe think he should? "so why didnt you tell me?"
ooc-its ok ^^ he smiled weakly "If they can come up with any"she said"they seemed to struggle to night." "Me either."Lyra said "I thought it would be my own bed."
He sighed in releif again "can we come see him?"
ooc-might as well,make Alex randomly appear lol "and she never told anyone?"
ooc-sorry if I suddenly go...my dad wants on -_- "Yeah....just weird seeing my mum again....since you know...she died two years back." she nodded Lyra sat down on a bed
He breathed a sigh of relief "But he'll be ok? once he wakes up?"
"That was before I knew Elle....and He has done wrong....intentionally or not.....you'd have to tell Casey sooner or later anyway....Lyra too."" ooc-should we move on to the hospital or something?
"Uh-huh"Lily nodded Alex sat down on the bed nearest the wall,he was being awfully quiet. "Casey...In here."she said opening a door