"she will be....probably be ginger though....then again....Maddie wasnt...only the boys were.....even Ronan was ginger when he was born....Which means...I must have been....lets pray the kid's blonde."
"Uh-huh."she said her voice an octive higher than usual, stop staring...he's going to think your off you rocker or something happened to you when you were sent back...just breath and for the love of god stop staring at his muscles
"Always will be."he said pulling away from his mothers house "Now,lets go see that new niece of ours."
"Am I supposed to say thanks to that or not?"she said looking both comfused and embarrased,she never showed this much flesh,it was only made worse by the fact she was sharing a room with Casey,who now that she actually looked past the 'best friend barrier' was a really good looking boy, good looking was a understatement actually. Hot....sexy....Oh my god....did I just think that? she went redder than her hair
"Meh...not as bad as Casey though."he said
she changed quickly to save them both more embarrasment "Gawd....what did my mother used to wear to sleep? This is like a prostitue's bed time outfit."she muttered plucking at the skin tight sleevless top that was far too low cut for her liking and the mini shorts what were far too short
"Must get it from Zane"Jordan said
"didnt even notice."she said picking up her pajama's,looking for a place to change,but the bathroom was on the floor above and she was scared to go outside incase they thought she was up to something...she just sighed and said "Casey....dont look."
"I dont have any older brothers or sisters"he pouted "Oh my god...Lyra and Casey have spawned a bunch of drama queens."
"Muscular? since when did you get muscualr?"she laughed
"Cory's no fun"Mickey said as Jordan buckled him into the booster seat "Oi!"
Mickey pulled away,driving faster than he normally did,but he wanted to get to his son faster "Hermia?"Elena asked quietly"Are you ok?"
"Never mind too big....they look too small for you...stop f*cking growing!"she laughed Alex decided that instead of Moving her,he'd just switch beds,he swung Elle's legs up onto the bed then sat down on what was hers
"But I wanted a brother!"Mickey whined as maddie pulled him by the hand "You dont always get what you want Mickey"Jordan laughed
he climbed in the drivers seat while Elena climbed in beside Hermia.
"You sure?" she giggled,then turned when there was a knock at their door Lily was slightly breathless,"Im sorry...I forgot to give you lot pajama's....you cant sleep in your clothes..."she said handing Lyra a pair "I got these from my brother...sorry If they're too big for you"she added to Casey giving him a pair,"see you in the mornning."she closed the door behind her heading over to give Elle and the other two boys their nightclothes
"Her or your brother dont waste time on anything."Jordan said heading out side he whistled to get the kids attention "C'mon....we're going to the hospital....The baby's here." "Ooooh! what is it? " "Girl." "I told you "Maddie said grinning at her two brothers
he smiled weakly before leading her out to the car
she rolled her eyes,curling up into a ball and facing him"Really? Casey your ego is huge." "why dont you go to bed?"
"Jordan,Elle...Casey just called, Its a girl!"Lily said smiling unawear of what had been going on "You should take the kids and head up."