maaaaaybe lol
maybe your pregnat tho XD
-_- not funny
not much butttttt
>.< ill take that as yes
>.< 4 our master plan 2 kill elmo?
>:3 now its time *gets a gun and takes your hand* are u ready? >:3
becuz u saved me :D
*is alive and stares at u* TY U SAVED ME!!! hugs u ue r tightly*
X_X *wil die in 3 seconds* (noo im no ;P)
X_X *will die in 5 seconds* (well? ;))
X_X *dosent work* (real lips only xD u have 2 do it ;))
X_X *is about 2 die from lake of air* (oh do u? ;) u know im almost dead?)
X_X *still dosent move* (maybe mouth 2 mouth will save me ;))
lol well that makes 2 of use lol dont worry i wont take her i swer on the bible
hello mr gir lol i just needed 2 know do u have any cods 4 fallout 3?
halo person lol
me 2 but nm just talkin 2 D~D and playin fallout 3 btw your VERY lucky 2 have D~D lol XD
X_X Still dosent move
X_X *dosent move*