Ooc: Recap?
Sessamaru quickly incanted a wind rune, deflecting the demonic roar away from him. He cursed and placed his ocarina back into it's hidden pouch. He drew out another sword. Lumia. He stood there, holding an awkward stance with the greatsword and the crystal blade.
Sessamaru began to act on the soul-child, his sword criss-crossing head over tail, whipping the child into air, stealing away his manifest form. He thrusted the blade into the child's chest, making the sword land on to the ground. Sessamaru landed soon after, turning to see the unformed blade sticking into the ground. He took out his ocarina, preparing to play the banishing song.
Sessamaru swung his sword, but not aiming for Rexejon, but the sword's entity. He was already in a spinning crouch, blade flipping upwards into a strike, aiming for the soul-child, hoping Rexejon's attack distracted the boy.
"As you command," Vallyn said, and without another word, he disappeared in a wisp of darkness, appearing at the border of the icelands. He began his careful scouting mission, keeping far away from society. Onward, he went.
His eyebrow jerked upwards in intrigue. "What job?"
The half-army attacked, attacking everyone they saw, devouring them. The army multiplied by the wounded who escaped. They turned abnormally quick.
OOC: Oro? I really didn't get that x.x
"The black swords are meant to destroy the gods," he whispered. The barrier was broken, the sword, the godslaying blade, meant to destroy and defy all laws. "These swords have many more secrets," Sessamaru added, already close enough to harm Rexejon.
The blade came down, shattering Raine's shoulder, and tearing apart the many tendons and muscles. The arm was torn apart from the inside, utterly destroyed. "I missed?" He asked, shaking his head, unsure. He left the blade nailed in the shoulder, the guard 2 inches from the wound. Vrae walked about, pondering. "My my, you must have some bit of luck, no?" He asked rhetorically, quite amused. He looked at the nailed and helpless Raine. "You, who can control time to only a whim, were so easily defeated? You're a waste, EVO." Vrae scowled, twisting the blade like a key, another surge of dark wind tearing apart the arm internally, causing a much wider range of damage. Once more, he wrenched the blade out, turning around. "I think my work here is done, then. You're no threat with a destroyed arm. I'll kill you later," He said happily, walking away. He vanished in the darkness, leaving behind the smell of roses and honey... and half an army of zombies. (500 zombies).
The runes on Shadowbane began to shine brightly. He swung his blade into the barrier, not only shattering it, but sending magical shards towards the group. Sessamaru spun in a crouch, sliding towards Rex, his blade turning upward as he stopped the spin, making it into a momentous uppercut.
Vrae leapt high into the air, spinning. As he reached his zenith above Raine, he swung the blade twice in an X, thrusting the blade downward, encasing it in a spiral of dark wind, while an X dark windblade rushed downwards, aiming to immobilize Raine. He gained a rapid amount of momentum.
Vrae took advantage of his opponent's weakened condition, practically gliding towards Raine. He ran fast, extremely fast, for it was the dark wind's ability. He swung the masamune's black diamond edge as he was in range, the blade radiating an eerie light.
Sessamaru didn't answer Kretze, he just continued to glare at Rex. The blade released a black flame from its great edge. "Enough, leave the swords alone," Sessamaru said, his hand steady. Too steady.
The dark-wind aura kicks up, turning into blades. The aura kicked the blade higher and higher, as an undead creature arises, thrusting a clawed hand towards Raine's chest. Vrae lands softly on the ground, walking two paces forwards, each a long stride. The wind-aura broke down, allowing the blade to fall. He turns slightly, eyeing the undead creature and Raine. His face was still under shadow.
Sessamaru held his sword outwards in a threatening move. He was amazed when he noticed it wasn't Lumia, his crystal sword. It was Shadowbane. Strangely, she didn't hold him in thrall... "Stop," He spoke softly, his shining green eyes glaring at them. He focused on Rexejon.
The adept ALT-EVO experiment, Vrae, appeared beyond the city walls, appearing at the battleground, a maelstrom of dark wind blowing apart buildings. Blades after blades of dark wind came past his levitating body, his face masked behind the shadows of his hair, which whipped about violently. His trenchcoat danced about his body, offering a small gust beneath his feet. He held the masamune outwards, like a puppet on marrionettes. His unseen eyes stared at Alaric and Raine. He twisted the blade like a key, releasing a vortex of dark wind.
"We don't have much time..." He whispered. He climbed up some more, already atop the mountain, seeing the group he had saw back in the village. He shook his head in dismay.
Leon sat upon his roof, staring out into the dark sky. Everyone he in his family was dead. He was shaking. Everything happened so fast. Too fast. He watched the moon shift its planetary orbit around the Earth. He sighed. He was calm, wasn't afraid. Just surprised. A bit shaken. But not afraid. He laid down upon his roof. He shook his head, unable to rest or lie down properly. He jumped up and jumped off his roof, landing flawlessly on to the ground. The house was only two stories. He walked away from his house, entering a new world. The wilderness. Death's heart. His destiny.
Sessamaru began to ascent, his sentient blade giving him more energy. He climbed the mountain as if he were walking, a mask across his face to filter the air he breathes. This was made by the sythiir he wore. The black, symbiotic substance of another plane of existance. He reached the center of the mountain in mid climb, awaiting his companion.