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  1. Sessamaru
    ooc: Elric of Melnibone ****, to tell the truth. If you ever read the series by Michael Moorcock, you should know what I'm talking about. If not... I recommend the book ^^

    Bic: The figure listened intently, not truly knowing if he should care or not. He shook away the memories from the past.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sessamaru
    Juste rested in bed, the sun rising into his room. He opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the sunlight. Hands bandaged, only in his tight leather leggings, the vampire hunter got up, dizzy. He appeared sane, but full of melancholy. Juste left his room, walking about the manse that were the headquarters of the Hunters. Boots echoed in the corridors, a light fluttering of his torn cloak danced about. He wore his gloves, hiding his shameful cuts, his chest and abdomen bare, save for the bandages running about them. The vampire hunter walked, head bowed, walked about, searching for something. He shook his head from the visions of ash and blood.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sessamaru
    Amber glowed in the distance, a rosey colour shining its brilliance within the shadows. A figure awaited another movement.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sessamaru
    His vision went black, with screams of the dying in his ears. The perpectual nightmare continued. He screamed loudly, as if he had lost an arm, his eyes wide, his head down... He only saw darkness.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sessamaru
    Yea, a few more people, then we'll be set.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sessamaru
    lol, there are no Jehova Witnesses, this takes place in an alternate universe (a fantasy of my design, with some other ideals I disown). Added :P
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sessamaru
    Normal weapons, no guns; [Medievel Technology]
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sessamaru
    It's good. Added ^^
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sessamaru
    (With new ideas and old, I decided to make a new RP. Just something to pass the time and allow you to have fun.)

    ~Prelude of the Dawn!
    When sorrow arises in one's hearts, angels are said to guide the lost...

    Angels and man scower the earth, in search of love and hope, others in lust and hate. Light and darkness break the skies, showering beads of love and death. Black and white, as blind as an ancient man. This is how the world is seen. Twinkling stars alight the minds with prayers and chants... Thus has the world been wrought. From darkness turned to light, this is how the angels sing.

    A special star, pink and black, a beautiful mirage that twinkles in the sky at the stroke of midnight. The moon dies for a moment and is reborn when the clock hits the minuet of awakening. This is the Twilight Star. A world of mystery, a world of paradise. A world where all ends meet. Black sands, blue suns, heavenly rose-coloured skies. The world is beautiful in the eyes of lavendar.

    Bring forth the fallen, bring forth the forgotten. Save them, save yourself. Thus the cycle tides.

    There was a world where the Dead Gods ruled, awakening the Chaos Bridge to visit the mortals. The Dead Gods now reside on the Twilight Star, where time is in its perpectual beauty. They live in a floating emerald spire, high above the Alkalide Mountains, the Dead Volcanoes of Perpectual Wrought (or "Creation").

    Mortals, such as Vampires, Angels, and Humans now reside. There are cross breeds, even higher up races that are thoroughly scattered across the Pandemonium Star. The Chaos Bridge, now, only awakens to a song... Just one song given only to the Chosen One. The Minuet of the Midnight Sun.

    The Chaos Bridge only alights at Midnight when the song is played, when the moon is full and as blue as the Pandemonium Sun. The bridge slowly breaks. Several Banishing Swords, whose blades are never tangible unless wielded by a worthy successor, rest upon the star. The Dead Gods mock their creations... Seeking only amusement. The Gods need be overthrown by the Heroes of the Pandemonium, to restore the Twilight Star to pure beauty... Ascention, too, is worthy... The dead Heroes will ascend to a greater world, giving their power to their beloved friends... Friendship needs to be intact.

    Arian, the Dead God of the Blacks (The Abyss, the Nine Layers of Hell), arises to set his lesser brethren after the Heroes. Arian, the strongest of the Dead Gods, awaits their arrival with drooling lips and sharp black teeth... His tongue as long as the Laviethan and as purple as Aether's lovely lavendar.


    1. No god modelling/moding(modding)
    2. No power playing
    3. Keep below R-rated
    4. No killing without permission
    5. Any difficulties with the story at any point and time, pm me or ask a member who knows.
    6. If you're to become one of the Dead Gods, pm me for permission.
    7. Any question about races, just PM me. I'll allow most races, anyhow.

    Geomancy ~ Magic of the Earth, of Nature
    Pyromancy ~ Magic of Fire
    Aeromancy ~ Magic of the Wind, of the Air
    Aquamancy ~ Magic of Water
    Necromancy ~ Magic of the Netherworld, of the Dead and of Demons and Devils
    Atrumancy ~ Magic of Darkness, of Shadow.
    Luminancy ~ Magic of Light
    Hemonancy ~ Magic of Blood

    OC Form
    Played by:
    Banishing Blade (This won't come until later on!):
    Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral):

    Pandemonium Star Races
    Played by: Sessamaru
    Name: Yami
    Race: Fallen Angel
    Age: 3500
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Two scimitars, Twinkle and Ivy
    Banishing Blade: Necros, the Greatsword of Twilight
    Magicks: Aeromancy and Hemonancy
    History: He lost his memory after his descent from the Twilight Star, not remembering who or what he is. He covers himself in his broken wings, wanting to keep everyone away from him... He doesn't want anyone to give him pity, to help him regain his lost memory. His black wings are said to hold every star in existance under their darkness.
    Personality: Cold, mellow, often keeps to himself; protective, easily amused, easily falls in love with the woman who reminds him of...
    Likes: Food, sword-dancing
    Dislikes: Fighting, the Dead Gods, and the terrible Pandemonium Star.
    Faction: Good

    Played by: Sessamaru
    Name: Chun
    Race: Human
    Age: 15
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: None
    Banishing Blade (This won't come until later on!): None
    Magicks: None
    History: He was born for one soul purpose... To play his emerald ocarina to awaken the Chaos Bridge!
    Personality: He's empty, as empty as a tool
    Likes: His ocarina... his music...
    Dislikes: Nothing
    Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral): Neutral (Sorta on the good side, I guess)

    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Kraine
    Race: Vampire
    Age: 752 (looks to be in his 30s)
    Weapon: a rapier called Silver Rain, decorative throwing daggers
    Banishing Blade (This won't come until later on!):
    Magicks: Hemonancy
    History: For as long as he can remember he has been used as a weapon, an assassin. He has always been treated like a tool until he broke free of his masters control and became a freelance assassin. Killing is the only thing he knows how to do. He was born a vampire.
    Personality: A cold empty man, he sometimes shows a strange feeling of joy in battle.
    Likes: Blood and fighting (it's his only way of life)
    Dislikes: Other Vampires and being controlled
    Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral): Neutral

    Played by: Deathsight44
    Name: Chris
    Race: Angel (fallen angel to be exsact)
    Age: 78 (looks only 19, but he is still pretty young for an angel)
    Weapon: 2 swords. One of them is a red katana, normal size, and the other is a larger katana, made of a type of black steel (sorta looks like clouds. Normally I wouldn't use weapons that are like anouther charecters from an actual anime or game, but I thought that those kinds of weapons would suit him best)
    Banishing Blade (This won't come until later on!):
    Magicks: atrumancy
    History: A fallen angel. he was in a revolt against one of the gods of earlier ages, while he was still young and reckless, and in doing so, he had his powers as a respected angel taken away, gaining his black wings, showing him as scum towards the public, and also to assure that he becomes an outcast, as punishment. But now, he wanders the planet, with hatred stored away in his heart for a way to slay the gods who have done this to him, but until he can, he holds off by serving as a bounty hunter.
    Personality: He appears to be evil, full of hatred, and appears as if he wants nothing to do with humanity. Most believe that he is purely consumed with thoughts of vengence, but he truelly does have a kind side to him, which he won't even admit to himself that he has one.
    Likes: Things that go boom (in other words, he likes explosions)
    Dislikes: Jahova witnesses (if those exsist in this thread)
    Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral): Neutral

    Played by: Akua WaterDragonKing.
    Name: Akua
    Race: Dragon Hybrid
    Age: 16
    Appearance: (on card)
    Weapon: Dragon King Blade and Door To Light Blade
    Banishing Blade: Poseidon's Forgiveness
    Magicks: Aquamancy and Luminancy
    History: He was experiment that got lose
    Personality: Calm and nice mostly but can be mean
    Likes: Oceans,Sunsets, and Full Moons
    Dislikes: Watching people die and Fires
    Faction: Good

    Played by: Kingsora
    Name: Linax
    Race: vampire
    Age: 17
    Appearance: (cant draw so ill discribe him) green cloak with black gloves and goggles on top of his head black jeans with a black vest
    Weapon: 2 dual swords with one extra lage sword encased in dimonds
    History: his parents disliked him and took him out to a vally to die but a uknown person came and took Linax and put him in town
    Personality: funny & yet cool
    Likes: ramen and rice
    Dislikes: his parents
    Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral):good

    Twilight Star/Dead Gods
    Thread by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008, 69 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sessamaru
    "They're not going to hear you," he said, more to the shadow in his head than to Emma. He began rambling, staring at a figure and an island that was never there. He spoke and rambled, talking to the invisible figure ahead of him. Juste began to tremble.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sessamaru
    "The shadow... Keep the shadow away..." Juste mumbled over and over, his mind completely disoriented. He heard laughter. Only he heard laughter. The shadow danced and pranced about in his mind, dancing upon the island of ash, the streams running with blood into the vast sea of blood... He shook his head, ignoring the image.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sessamaru
    "My weapons... I..." He began, coughing up more blood in the process. "No hospitals... Vampires... Death... Ash and Blood..." He rambled on and on, his mind befuddled, his crimson eyes lightless. The albino was lost in his subconscious, drifting off into his own darkness, his mind locked away.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sessamaru
    He continued to mumble, patting the ground. He cut his hands over the sword countless times, acting like it was nothing but rock, ash, and the stream of blood. He ripped his skin as he clutched the whip, thinking it a broken lifeline to a ship. He cursed, spat, and coughed. A puddle of blood, his blood, now began to rise. He ignored his wounds and continued to perform his endless search.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sessamaru
    Juste ignored her, looking for his weapons. In his mind's eye, he saw everything as they should be for normal humans. There was no tent, there were no benches or seats, and there were no vampires. No weapon. He began to mumble incoherently. He lost all sanity. Or maybe, he just lost the will to even exist. He was broken. The barriers to keep his nightmares at bay were broken. The earth around him seemed to shift, turning into a sea of ash and blood.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sessamaru
    Juste's face was shadowed by his hair, giving the impression that he is not fully conscious of where he is. He coughed again, the wounds reopening to a worse state. As he walked past them, he entered the tent, looking for his weapons. He overlook several times, but he didn't see them. He fell to his knees, crawling about, looking for the shining saber and the ravenous whip.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sessamaru
    There he stood, Juste Belmont, against a lean, broken telephone pole near the circus. He gasped for air, blood dribbling down his mouth. He was only in his trousers and boots, his torso and cloak utterly destroyed. He walked towards the tent that possessed his weapons, only to see two hunters and a shady figure who was closer to the tent. He bent down to pick up a loosed pole that was light and ten feet in height. He used it for support. "I hate hospitals..." He muttered, hacking up some blood, his wounds upon his chest and abdomen reoppening. His bandages were stained sanguine.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sessamaru
    Ooc: lol, yea... Now, I'll be gone for a bit. Need to think on how to improvise this plan of mine... '>.>
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sessamaru
    Ooc: Hot character, Varnor XD
    As the doctors and nurses began their work, he heard whispers. Their whispers. Ash and blood, a sea of darkness... they whispered, all around. He felt confused, he felt pain. Minutes went by like hours, and hours, days! As he rested in his room, his eyes opened slightly, hearing faint, deathlike footsteps. "Well, well, 'tis been awhile, Belmont!" Spoke the shadowy figure.

    "I--" Juste couldn't speak, his throat was constricted. He eyes the shadow, it looked as if he wore furs, was sharp, almost perfect. He was nimble, graceful to his eyes.

    "Hush, Belmont. We don't want that pretty voice of your's to die, now do we?" It asked sardonically, whipping back a silver strand of hair. "Be a good boy and listen... Your blood is mine by the break of Twilight... Unless someone else gets you. Dawn is arriving soon, so I must leave you, mate." The shade vanished. Juste passed out.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sessamaru
    Ooc: Hm... Well, this a dilemna for me XD Ah well, I'll improvise...

    BIC: Juste hacked another terrible cough, gasping for air like a fish. He was still unconscious.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sessamaru
    Juste passed out, due to exhaustion and the battered ribs. He left his weapons behind... His cloak now inusable... He rested. Juste dreamt the nightmare once more, of a sea of darkness. He was now forgotten and now, most likely dead... The Belmont Line, finished.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home