Um, for a fact, I can't see the avi. WHEE! COOKY!!!
Kain teleported away from the area.
"Somewhere" Kain said as he continued to walk away.
Chronix walked through the town as silently as he could as to not attract any attention from Barandy. But it failed when she saw him under her room window.
Kain got up and walked away, taking his sword with him. Lynx and Sin made no move to stop him, and Jaden was too tired to protest, so he could slip away easily.
Chronix went out of the room.
Ooc: Boredom Galorez!!!
Chronix woke up in an inn. Quite Ironic, eh?
OOC: *Wakes up* *Takes bucket and puts it on head, and crosses arms to pout.*
((Lol, no, I just have a slight malfunction in my head that WON'T ALLOW ME TO LET GO OF PAST THOUGHTS.))
OOC: Ooh, look! A butterfly-*Collapses and begins to snore*
(And I have *Whips out a bag* A BAG OF COOKIES! (I really don't know what it is with me and cookies lately, it just popped into my head and now I'm having horrible LSD-induced cookie dreams. :rofl:))
"Heey, are you okay?" Barandy asked, poking Chronix, who was asleep on the ground. Theo was laughing hysterically from the sidelines and Hiro was having an eye twitching problem.
(No, I is invisible, lol. :D )
OOC: Weeehaaa-ha-ha!!
"So... tired... can't... keep... running..." Chronix collapsed in the streets as Barandy, who didn't seem tired in the least, walked up next to him.
OOC: Wheee BIC: "I'm sure." Sin replied.
OOC: I gotta' remember what the effects of my Ultimate Attack have... Now my head hurts.. BIC: Sin looked over at Maria. "Nothing" he said.
Ooc: Augh!!!