Thanks guys. You're the best!
Just woke up, about to eat breakfast.
Banned for being cool. Wanna PM?
Now I get it.
Banned for me not doing so.
Banned for not yet. I'm going to leave in an hour.
What's that supposed to mean?
Nice to meet you too, Railos! Fellow Filipino.
Banned because maybe later. I'm going to the city for a few hours.
Good luck to all of you guys! After that... Hope you have a good summer! While mine will be over when your summer vacation starts... :(
Is it even possible?
Yeah. I haven't heard from you in a while, Flood. How are you?
Neon Trees - Animal :)
What's the progress guys? Looking forward for this!
Banned since I don't know what's interesting about me.
Banned for using it too.
Banned for making me stare at it for a long while.
Banned for having a creepy signature.
Oh... Good luck with that!
Banned for implying that I hate 358/2 Days.