Well, in my opinion, Since they originally planned to put the capes. I don't see why they won't put the capes back on. The reason why they didn't implement the capes is because of the limitations of the PSP.
Aren't you a little bit overreacting about the capes?
Banned because of blasphemy!
Oh yeah. *cue facepalm* I'm such an idiot sometimes...
Why do you have so many cute .gifs on you signature that makes me want to look at it for a long time?
Skrillex - Bangarang
Banned for making things fair.
Don't worry. I'm not that kind of person. And thanks.
It's the novelization of the game. As far as I've heard 358/2 Days is the last game that had a manga. BbS, Re:Coded and DDD don't have one yet.
Gurenn Lagann? I'll check it out sometime if it's that awesome.
I see... *cue evil grin* XD[DOUBLEPOST=1368506775][/DOUBLEPOST] View attachment 36015 Well Amaury, looks like your nightmare just came true... >:)
I would pick Harry Potter over Twilight any day. But if it was Naruto and Bleach, well...
I don't understand this thread.
I pray for the victims of the shooting. This thread just make me feel even more depressed. If it's even possible.
My theory is the same as hatok's
Good luck with your let's play for DDD. And welcome to the site!
Hello CadoUmbra, and welcome to KH-Vids! Feel free to ask a staff member or look in the FAQs if you have any questions, and feel free to ask any one of us for help. I'll see you around the forums! Nice pic of Xion, BTW.
You're not the only one... :(
I never played the series.