Oh. M'kay. I gotta go.
Man, that's pretty rough.... How did you put that Rep button in your signature?
What's the link for it? I'd like to check it out.
Ignore him and report him. That's what I'd do.
Hey, Fruit Loops! xDDDD (That name keeps cracking me up, even though you go by "F" now!)
I bet for SURE that the secret ending of Birth by Sleep will be a preview to KH3 (or the mystery KH)!
Buying this game is a must!!!! I'm lovin' the Lilo & Stitch world! But then again, where's Master Xehanort? We haven't seen any (new) screens of him or his apprentice recently...
The graphics of this game never fail to impress me. This game looks promising!! I hope they release a high-quality trailer for it soon.
Heh. That's easy! Axel's my favorite! He's just so gnarly!!!
I'll try to find a higher quality image. How's this for higher quality? http://i347.photobucket.com/albums/p452/silverdarkness_riku/Riku/Charge-Riku.jpg
Hey! They're better short than having a game at all! The game is really fun, don't get me wrong!
Signature Size: 400x140 Stock/Render: http://shatterheart.net/image.php?page=games/kingdomhearts2/fmv/images/bscap0169.jpg Theme: Give it an Apocalyptic feel. Text/Font: Do you have any Romance Fatal Serif font? If not, something Gothic-like. And the text is "Devil!Riku" on the left. On the right, slightly smaller, put "Has Arrived" (or something like that). :D Effects: A flashy-looking fire/lava effect would be great. Add a bit of contrast to the render. Other: Don't rush. Your work comes out great!
That will be awesome!!!
True, true! I would've been stuck on that, but there was one point when I fell off Darkside's shoulder and I when I pressed a button, I just...
I did. It was pretty hard at first, but I got through it easy!
You're stuck on the Darkside, huh?
See ya, man.
Oh.... sorry.
Yeah! It was pretty easy!
Open it with your internet browser.