Reaper: "Hm? Name's Seth. But call me Reaper. Why are there people locked in the girl's bathroom?"
Banned because I wouldn't mind being 20 years old.
Banned for knowing what I know for what you know. o.o
Banned for knowing.
I'm from the US. Banned because I had to type up a World History essay.
Reaper: *walks around* What's there to do around here...?
Myra: "First of all, I'm not one of those sick desperate people who want to date animals. Secondly, I have to work."
You all are in. :bored: great.... Work.....
Myra: *sitting at front desk* ":bored:"
:yelling: NOT TRUE!
Banned cuz I AM at school
:guns3::action-smiley-057: hmmmm...... No. Bad idea. So just for that... -.- BIC- Reaper: ":yelling: YOU PEOPLE ARE BORING ME!"
D: Odd. normally I would have lost my patience and left... But thanks to that update, I can still continue waiting.
O.o Awsome stuff man. Mind If I get one? Signature Size: I'll take defalt Theme: whatever works Text: Font: Render/picture: Other: nope.
*nods* Yeah. The very first time I fought Xigbar..... :bored: Well, don't remind me.
Is it me, or does just about everyone have problems with Demyx....?
OOC- Since no one else is here, whaddaya wanna do?
REALLY?! :yelling: THEN WAT WAS THAT OTHER THREAD?! -.- Watever. I'll be..... um. Taco man? (not really) Name: Seth "Reaper" Age: 17 (seriously, he's 157....) Appearance: (I'll eventually put a doodle here....) Black hair in a short ponytail, orange eyes.... black clothes... Other: Twin knives as weapons is a Soul Eater, Basically like a demon, but, obviously, can devour souls... Good enough for you Eric?
Myra: "You have to stay here and watch the front desk like a good mutt." OOC- Dude. You're still grounded, aren't you?
Whaaaat'd I miss? I haven't been on here..... o.o dunno how long.