O.o How long? Nice. I MADE A COMIC ON STUFF LIKE THAT! :yelling: I fell down 3 steps and got put into a full body cast o.o Looks at miiiinnne!!!
Banned because I'm at skewl. D:
Banned because I ban you.
Myra: ":bored: "what a waste time." Reaper: "What's going on over here?" Mrya: "People were fighting mosters." Reaper: " O.o That's interesting....." Myra: "Yeah. Apparently we have moster infestations now."
No problem. I've been keeping myself busy with my own writings.
I just made myself dizzy by scolling up and down long pages.
Please do so...
OOC- Ah. True. *nods* BIC- Myra: *hears commotion outside and looks* ":yelling: COOL! IT'S A MONSTER!"
OOC- Nuu. I hate being grounded. What'd I miss?
AJ!!!!!! :D :D :D You're in man. :yelling: But seriously. Star fox...?
OOC- Let's see.... Reaper 'n' Lucurio are out side of a bathroom where Naruto and Hinata are locked.
First tell me the game. >:3
:yelling: EPIC FILL!!!!!!
XD!!!!! YAAAY! *reps you for pwning job*
Myra: "Alright.... :bored: I'll get around to tellnig him that."
But the taco man told me to Ban you! D:
Banned because I didn't. They could play chess.... Or checkers. Or better yet, BINGO
Banned cuz you can have him... IN YOU CLOSET.
Mrya: "....... No. I'm ok. >_>.... Prob'ly would like work intsead of going to the movies with you."