It is, isn't it?
My chocolate was behind my Gamecube. and melted. LOL Hand-me-downs!
How?!?!?! Xd
Duuuuuuuuuudddddddddddeeeee......... I found a crunch bar from Halloween last night. Who would of thought 2 month old chocolate tastes the same?
Now all we need is Spam.
OOC- Sorry I was gone so long. BUT I'M BACK! Wat'd I miss?
Banned because I'm back!
Banned baceause you were banned.
Banned because I don't know you.
OOC- Haha.... No! XD... Still at school. Everyone here thinks I'm Brit. :xp: But I'm not. Oh noes! I forgot what I wanted to say!!!
OOC- wtf... He was just talking to Reaper...... BIC- Myra: "SETH!" Reaper: "How many times have I said not to call me that... What do you want?" Myra: "Nothing, just that I need someone to go collect rent for me." Reaper: "Why can't you do it yourself???" Myra: "CUZ I CANT! Will you?" Reaper: "suuuuuuuuurrrrre.........."
NEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRR Yes. Me grounded and not listening to parents direct orders.
OOC- QUICK! While I'm still at school, wat'd i miss?
OOC- me back D:
All our superlongandoverlycomplicatedwordsthatmakesusfeelreallystupid are gone! Wait.... what?
Reaper: "Sorry, What?" OOC- I'M SORRYY!!! TT^TT I'm grounded and have very limited internet access!
Reaper: "You there, what's your name?"
All our DEATH PONIES are gone! Yay??? :gunwtf:
All our life is gone. D: