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  1. Wacko
    Reaper: "First off: Every living thing has a soul, therefore.... I must be alive. According to preety much all of the Soul Eaters, I'm 'human' only because of hanging aroung this one." *punches Myra in the arm*

    Myra: "D: ZOMFG!!! Pain!"

    Dark: *points at Lucario* "YOU'RE LOGIC ISH FLAWEDED!
    Post by: Wacko, Jan 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Wacko
    Profile Post

    Why not? EPIC FILLZ

    Why not? EPIC FILLZ
    Profile Post by Wacko for Shadow_Rocks, Jan 1, 2009
  3. Wacko
    Ah. Are you shy or something?
    Profile Post by Wacko for Shadow_Rocks, Jan 1, 2009
  4. Wacko
    Reaper: "Then who am I? Is my existance a complete lie? What else is a lie? That fight-crazed pointy-eared kid? Myra? THIS WHOLE WORLD?!" O.o

    Dark: "I'm not a kid! :yelling:"

    Myra: "Seth.... You took that too literal...."

    Reaper: "SHUT UP! Can't you see I'm busy questioning Humans and their motivies?!"
    Post by: Wacko, Jan 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Wacko
  6. Wacko
  7. Wacko
  8. Wacko
  9. Wacko
    Not a Warner. But watev.
    Profile Post by Wacko for Shadow_Rocks, Jan 1, 2009
  10. Wacko
    OOC- Not here man. :sleepy: Need a recap?
    Post by: Wacko, Jan 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Wacko
    Meh. That'll work. :sleepy:
    Profile Post by Wacko for Shadow_Rocks, Jan 1, 2009
  12. Wacko
  13. Wacko


    Coolio. D: It's the other way around with me.
    Post by: Wacko, Jan 1, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Wacko
    OOC- oops. I didn't mean that towards you... XD I was talking to deven5! Although I wouldn't mind if you did give me your number... But I can't afford long distance. XD XD Anyhoo, Yes, you can. feel free! XD
    Post by: Wacko, Jan 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Wacko
  16. Wacko
    Profile Post

    nuuuuuuu. Just Wacko.

    nuuuuuuu. Just Wacko.
    Profile Post by Wacko for Shadow_Rocks, Dec 29, 2008
  17. Wacko
  18. Wacko
    Profile Post

    lol! No, sorry... XD

    lol! No, sorry... XD
    Profile Post by Wacko for Shadow_Rocks, Dec 29, 2008
  19. Wacko
    OOC- I know, but it's true. One day he just............ pulled a Hudini. D: oh, and Neenjer, wat's your phone number? I want to tell you something that I just so happened to come across in GameStop.... :D:D:D:D

    Myra: "Dark, where have you been???"

    Dark: *rubs head confused* "I really have no idea." *looks to Reaper* "YOU THRERE! FIGHT MEH! :yelling:"

    Reaper: "If I were to do that, I'm afraid I would kill you."

    Myra: "It's true." D:

    Dark: "QUIET YOU! I don't care!" *calmly* "I'm just really bored."

    Reaper: "And here I thought Myra was.... -_-'.... Nvm.... At any rate, I don't feel like fighting."

    Myra: "Overly confident. D:"

    Reaper: *glare*

    Myra: O.o..... "Sorry."
    Post by: Wacko, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Wacko
    Hey! YOU'RE NOT SANTA! :yelling:
    Post by: Wacko, Dec 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone