Reaper: "You seem to think that Soul Eaters can simply rip one's soul out...." >_> Dark: "Be nice..." TT.TT
the odd thing is, that could be true....
OOC- if you can call him that..... BIC- REaper: "But why me? Get Dark Link. He's more than willing."
I give it... Well, I couldnt think of anything good enough, so you get a giant cookie! *gives*
Wait. Why??? XD
Reaper: *rubs chin thoughtfully* "hmmm......" Myra: "Seth! Don't even think about it!" Reaper: "What? I was thinking about how the poilice could possibly find me if I were to comit such a crime." Dark: "Wat's the worse that can happen?" Reaper: "I agree." Myra: "Society would collapse!" Reaper: "So?"
OOC- "Seemingly Normal"???? He 'killed' Oprah. There isn't anything 'seemingly' or 'normal' about that! BIC- Reaper: "Who's 'Oprah'....???" Myra: "Most powerful woman in the human world." Reaper: "Ah. Not worth my time then." Dark: "n00b...!!! XD XD " Reaper: "What's a newb????"
Reaper: "I'm Not EMO! I just lack emotion." Myra: "The word 'emo' is in 'emotion'. lol." Dark: "D: Indeed."
Myra: "Stands there and acts emo." Reaper: "I do not!"
Dark: "I HAVE POTATO CHIPS?! That is soo.... " Myra: "Expected?" Reaper: "Bizzarre, but completely normal?" Dark: "What?! No! That's just plain freaky!"
Reaper: *grabs a peice of paper* "............ It says you're a pure bred Yorkie... " Myra: "AND YOU LACK FUR COATAGE!!!!!" Reaper: "That's not even a word...." Dark: "AND! You lack potato chips." Myra: "That was completely irrelevent." Dark: "I know, right?!" Reaper: "-_-.... Moving on..... We're not going any where."
Myra: "No, Not really." Reaper: "First of all, talking mutt, Soul Eaters and Demons DO NOT live in the same realm. There's too much tension between both." Myra: "Yep. Hey.... Are they still fighting???" Reaper: "Typically..."-_-
Reaper: "Been there, done that." Myra: "Meh." Dark: "PIRATES?!"
OOC- Yes, I know this... D: BIC- Dark: "WHY IS THERE A PIRATE IN MAH POCKET?!" Myra: "Pirates suuuuuck." Reaper: "Yeeeaaah. You two just keep talking. I'm going to act like I'm listening."
OOC- tell that to the people at school. They're convinced that I'm Brit. XD
Dark: "ZOMG! A pirate!!??"
Myra: LoZ is NOT for-" *looks at Dark* "Eh..... On second thought...." Dark: "HEY! :yelling: I'm awsome!" Reaper: "You look like some cheap rip-off of ME. Just add pointy ears..." -_- Dark: "DO NOT!" Myra: *lookes at both* "Hmmmm..... Black hair.... Black clothes... Also considering that Seth is over 150 yrs old.... versus... wat, 19? Yep. Definatley rip-off."
ZOMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o.O It is?!
Dark: "Wat game?" Myra: "Dark Link ish an elf.... Person..... Evil incarnate... thing." D: Dark: "NOT FUNNY" Reaper: "Says you." -_-