'Ello, new one! D: Name's Wacko and I'll be you're friend! XD Now that this post is almost done, I'll try to help in the end! o.o Freaky. I'm not a poet.
Banned for not seeing the errors made.
Yup. I'm here to shows you a comic I did earlier. I personaly think my hand-drawn comics are better. http://boredinc.synthasite.com/egg-rolls.php I have Lucario, Reaper(oc) and Myra(oc) in this one.
A comic as my reply: http://boredinc.synthasite.com/egg-rolls.php
Banned cuz i can't use MS Paint properly. http://boredinc.synthasite.com/egg-rolls.php See?
Saved by Mickey: Not so much. Odd. I died alot in boss fights.....
I was lvl 91 when I finally beat him......
Banned for being uneventful.
All our awsome action novels are goen! NUUUUUUUUU My story!!!!! (^ Secrtetly a writer AND artist o.o)
Yup, I comes with a new Rp. This time, ABOUT CAMPIN! :yelling: Few rules: 1)let's see if you can survive lost, in The Woods, a place that often drifts in and out of different worlds 'n' junk. 2)Any and ALL types of characters are acceptable. 3)Killing- Not this time. 4)Seriously. NO POWER PLAY! >_< Oh. Right. one more thing: O.C. Sign up form: Name: Age: Appearance: Other stuff: 'Nuff said.
all our food is gone. Greeeeaaaaaat....
All our shock is gone! at least we got the other kind of novels.