Yep. I said you could, dearie. XD BIC- Myra sigh and handed Mitsuki a key. "You have room 112, second floor." She siad and turned back to Reaper. "Really.... If you didn't like me asking questions, you would probably killed me...." Reaper shrugged. "If it weren't for the fact I quit being a Hunter...." "And exiled...." Dark walked up to them. "And being emo." "Not emo." Reaper said quickly.
OOC- Be my guest. BIC- Myra tilted her head. "That tone says more than 'Just thinking' What do you see that I don't?" "Nothing, alright?" Reaper replied. "You and questions...."
It was ok, but was really boring.
OOC- sorry, I had ADD for a while there.... BIC- Myra: *looks over* "One room? O.K..." *goes behind desk and hands over a key* Reaper: *looks at Takuto for a monent* "Hm." Myra: "What?" Reaper: "Nothing. Just thinking."
:yelling: Alrighty! You're in. Now go sign in at the front desk... or Myra, who's aimlessly wandering around and talking to people.
Thank god I never had to read that. I think I'd have to burn more than just that book.... >_>
Eh. You get used to it.
Reaper: "Hm.... That's too much work. Besides, It's stupid. I'd rather just cut them-" Myra: "Like your wrists! 8D" Reaper: "How many times must I tell you I'M NOT EMO!" Dark: "Then why are there a bunch of scars on your arms?" Reaper: "I didn't do those..." >_>
Take these books to. *hands over textbooks* Most of the boring books I ever had to read were in those.
To Kill A Mockingbird. Don't even get me started.
I'm still on Nintendo 64! :sweatdrop:
DMC 3, The Sims 2 (I like killing the people...), GTA.... eh. Just about anything.
I was...... D:
XD XD XD lol!
That's a poor joke XD XD
I bet you wasted about... maybe $300 too...
Reaper: "You DO realize that I'm the ICE Guardian, don't you?" Myra: "We wouldn't of expected that from a guy who wears a FLAME shirt..."
So far, that's the case. I'd rather have a Xbox over a PS3
It seems more like a blank CD case. XD
I find that very unlikey.