wait THIS???
i havce to go bye
sorta bored u?
okay then.
so like this? keyblade,everlasting shadows:its based on darkness duh, the keyblade is mostly balck grey and red the eye close to the handle gives it and extra boost to everthing like magic your attack,ect.the keychain is an red star which stands 4 th darkness and also atuomatily heals u
redarrow:man this is borin
jeny:so probably new to this im still am sorta well u cantroll them so your in comand
jeny:y r u makin your own anyways
redarrow:okay*shot arroow atached with mini bomb*take that! still i explodin the joker is fun
not really only 2times dude
redarow:should i help?
yeah, sometime i like to freak my sister out but it doesnt work any more
demy:i wanna flyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
just let me know if ya do ;)
okay then if somne questions ask me, kay?
me too!l ol :)
jeny:okay then :3*does it*and im making 3 more of me *does again with power*
hello there hope u like it here
1st is we herd voices once wjhen we were in a tondo shelter nobody was there 2nd i herd laughin in mine room like very deep 3rd i herd beepin...