yeah kc ^ _^
really lol we called it amo i put some in my pockets and we had bases like 1,2 and three it was fun
jeny:yay u beat him up.
huh,so am i btw we were throwing theses thingys that grow on trees the littel ball thingys and won lol
good me and my cousins had a war lol so hbu?
hey there.
ok the,aww sweet!
jeny:wow..........that was awesome!
i dont really like bambi or dumbo,i chicken littel sorta i guess it would be cool if they got there own worlds
aqua:uh ven have u seen......*looka at ven and vanitais*okay i think im gonna leave
vani: okay!mwhahahahahaha!
jeny:hahaha!that was a clone, aww man so funny!
yay,blazer :D
''silnce tratoir''
nice,so we get monstro again?oh well thanks
vani:that wasnt me!mwhahahahahah! it was a clone~!
jeny:u r too a lady!i started it so hahaha!
okay then bye-ya
*sighs*well wat should we do?
lol man realy and im still sorta bored