jeny:u know wat marly your weird
jeny:ha!just a clone
okayyyyyyyyyy :3
aww man owell then lets go to the rpg
wait let me see if the link might work k? http://twistergangmixtwewy/watch/
its ok my coumpter wont let me
my coumpter wont let me sorry,oh hey u can listen to it video portal it has youtube right here on khvids
me too wanna on the some of th rpgs? but first listen to this called twister gang mix
yeah i know :)
um.....bbs(its my brothers game), now mine games:, recoded, chain of memries and358/ 2 days
no i added tha part lol
were they both meet and theres a paralil universe because they're both from the same home town which makes it paralil also they sve the world...
yez i didnt getv to see the beginng though
uh benten and generataor rex
well they put these two cartoons from the same creator today ,its been a long time since cartoon network has done that
hey there :)
jeny:some one go ahead and kill me
watching something cuz it was mt last time watching it wouldnt come on again today
sorry 4 the late responce
it doesnt snow much were i live