Can You See It, To The Left, There Is A Car, Clearly Visible, Kupo?
Chibi(Super Deformed), kupo?
OOOOOOHHHH....-room goes quiet-....... ..................... Kill The Double-Poster! , Kupo?
Bananas, grapes, kupo nuts, Kupo?
Wants a random SD attack, Kupo?
No, you don't, Kupo?
*hides in the corner*Kupo?
^Indifile <Moogle v Will gimme Kupo nuts, Kupo?
Avvy:6/10 Sig:6.5/10
Invincible bears, Kupo?
You know your insane when, you stay awake all night posting comments like the one above, Kupo?
WE All Lose, Kupo?
Kupitito! He is a moogle, Kupo?
Then Sparta will fall, This is KUUUUUUPPPPOOOOO!!!!!!, Kupo?
Kupo is just an average comment, Kupopo is when we are exited, kupitopo is an evil saying,kupo?
Moogledom wins, Kupo?
You have been watching our conversation?Kupo? Peverted kupitopo!