^ is awaiting a avvy, but it'll probably be worth the wait <Is a mooglicken v Is an oversized fetus
Become a girl who looks like girly-boys
Try not to die
^ Is correct < Look at my avvy and you will see why I am "wierd" v Is straight... LIKE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
When you put woman's underwear on a turkey, cooking it and seeing white swimwear marks on it, It wasn't me <_< >_>
Avy:6.99 Sig(I cant get one):9...I like it, I don't know why but I just do.
Get a sex change and be a boy again
^Username means holocaust(I think) <Am I meant to know this person? v Dead, dying or about to die
A lone bird, pecking at a sorrowful-looking willow tree.
*Puts on a Borat voice* Do the sexy time with the noughty cheese block, Itsa nice.
Judeophobia- fear of jews
Eats existence itself, devouring all...
Homophobia-Fear of gay people.
avvy:7 Sig:8....(I cant get one)
sasquatch clones, RUN---RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
*Eats castle and all of its inhabitants* Nom-non-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom
Is organization XIII lawyer