"no! it's not your fault at all!"
"I didn't do anything! sompting big must be going on in there!" Cid said
ooc: ??????????????????
*Cid tryed to get onto some programs on the PC but it blew up*
*Yuffi ran to warn to the others* *Anna looked at Mickey*
*Anna wached ZC*
"well...I'm sorry"
"the heartless are back!" Yuffi tolde Leon "now what?" Anna asked
"WHAT! I BETTER GO TELL EVERYONE!" Yuffi said runing off
I am acshaly wrighting quite a few books and my first one is gonna get published....I just got to retype it
"you ok Master Mickey?" Erin asked
"oh boy" Yuffi said "Mickey's in truble! Mickey's in truble!" *Ein and Nerix laughed*
no but nice try __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ "I'm a Chaser" Erin said "What is a Chaser?" Mickey asked confused "Chasers are people that has one reason in life and that reason is to protect the balance between light and dark" Erin answer "The balance between light and dark?" Mickey asked very confused "Yes. Light and Dark have to be balanced. If one is stronger than the other it could cause the worlds to be thrown off balance and they would even be destroyed!" Erin explained "THAT'S HORIBUL!!!!" Mickey exclaimed "Yeah...That is why we Chasers exist. If one becomes more powerful than the other we have to do anything that will restore the balance...even if it means taking life's" Erin said looking down "YOU KILL PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?!" Mickey asked shocked "Yes, but only if it was absolutely necessary" Erin said "I see...Have you ever been to any other worlds besides yours and this one?" Mickey asked "yeah! I've been to tuns!" Erin said happily "What were they like?" Mickey asked curiously "well...they were all so different...wonder land is crazy and silly! nothing makes since there! Twilight town is fun and peaceful! I do have to say my favorite one is Destiny island! It is beautiful and peaceful!" Erin said reminiscing "Wow! That sound wonderful!" Mickey said "It is! You should visit there someday" Erin said but suddenly he felt light headed and everything went dark
"Well why don't you go turn off the water?" Yuffi asked
*Anna stood on her hands*
"ok" Erin said *Anna clun up her shop and made a bach of cookies*
"I'd say but haveing more is better than not haveing anuth*
"Huh? why is that?" Erin asked confused *Anna solde the cake to the soon to be wed cuple*
"well nice hobey!" Anna said
*Erin sat under a tree bordly* *Anna finished the cake*