ooc: not realy
"but why and please don't refer to me as half breed" Anna said siting the tray of cookies on the table
"fine you joy kill" she teased
*Anna clung to ZC as they walked*
"yup! come join me!" she said
"welcome...would you like ome cookies?" Anna asked holding out a plate of fresh cookies "ok" Erin said
ooc: yeah...I have been in pain and slept through all of yesterday
"ok...hope I get all of him hear" Merlin said castin the spell *Sora was suming but in mid air and he fell on his rump* "OWCH!!!!! MERLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sora yelled
"Yes you are Squal!" Yuffi teased "well I could somin Sora" Merlin said
"I dono! I'm not the nurd...Cid and Leon are the nurds!" Yuffi said
"huh?" Yuffi asked
"yeah but...dose Tron even know us? I'd hate to be wiped out like one of the vioris thingys that make Cid cuss" Yuffi said *Cid wiseld knowing he was busted*
ooc: XD bic: "what are we going to do?" Yuffi asked
*she humed as they waled*
"no it's not!"
"at the islands" Cid said
*She blushed and smiled back*
"I did what I was supost to! maybe sompting is wrong with Tron?"
*Anna looked at ZC blushing*