*they shut the cell door locked it then left* *A young boy was in the cell next to ZC's. he was siting quietly...he was eather praying, crying, or both* ooc: it's BJ...Bj is acshuly a friend of mine...exept...he moved...he made me swear never to tell what the B and the J stand for
*Erin looked up a him with tear filled eyes* "ZC? is...that...realy...you?" He asked hardly able to get the words out
"I'm 18" Erin said
"prity good" she said with a grin
*the gards draged ZC into the dungen and threw him into a cell*
"Erin" she said smileing at him
*Erin was on his knees crying as the beems shot from him*
"yup! I'm a noob!" she said
ooc: sure but warning...BJ, Ark, and Haroku oh and thease are charecters from my story...the ones that everyone thinks one of them likes me but the realy dont lol
"oh ok..."
"sompting worong?" Anna asked
*Anna led him as close to Erin as she could go. Erin was shooting energy beems everywhere*
ooc: not if you are with the prisoners cuz she is with Erin all the way on the other side of the world but if you are with Erin Destiny Zane and Alex then we will have to wait...eather way everyone will meet up later
"ummm...good I guess" Erin said *Anna figetid with her wings nervesly*
"we all tryed to stop him but he is so powerfull! he ceeps calling for you! hury!" she said grabing his arm and pulling him
ooc: you are in...ummm there are two groups at the moment but can you go to help the prisoners? (BJ Haroku and ARk) Desting is unconshes and Erin Alex and Zane are takeing her to the hospital
*they looked at him nervesly*
*Anna ran into the libraity. her dress was torn, she had cuts and brused, and her hair was messed up* "ZC!!! ERIN'S GON BUZISTICK!" she said
*he took out a dager and cut his hair*
ooc: ok join away