"ok but first I have some more...ummm...comrads locked up" BJ said not wanting to lie by calling them his friends
"she falls asleap fast"
"not a clue!"
*Erin wimperd* ooc: XD
"WOW!" he said in shock
*they obayed* *Erin took a drink(his first time drinking so he probly looks redicules*
"ok!" she said
"but how?" he asked
"don't worrie...I don't think that was the last time we will see them" Roxas said
*Erin cryed*
"oky doky then!" she said
"I dono...they draged us here...she was dieing when we left"
*Erin wimperd* "I hurt everyone here...I hurt the people that have been like my family..."
"not realy I have tryed but have seemed to be more truble than help" she said
"they hurt her...they hurt my best friend then lef her to die." he said crying
"ZC...I am a monster..." Erin cryed huging him
*the boy looked up trebuling. his face had tear streacks all the way down it*
"thank you" Erin said takeing it
*Anna noded*
*the beams stoped and Erin huged ZC's legs crying*