Close ups of pics:
Oh boy, this certainly doesn't sound familiar.
It's not a matter of the technology being limited, it a matter of at what point is there no real payoff for Developers spending the extra development costs and time to make games with such graphics. Right now things for Developers are already getting way too strenuous, Development costs just to make PS3/360 games is an all-time high, some games having 4 year development period, with $20+ million dollar budgets just for development (not to mention production, shipment, and advertising costs), and if said games are not an instant success with a guaranteed 5 million copies sales, those developers won't be making their money back. The game industry at this point isn't large enough with a big enough consumer base to safely fund most games with the great graphics of today, even now. There just aren't enough gamers to buy games for Developers to even safely invest in such games, it's such a big gamble that entire Development studios could go underground if one of their games busts. Gaming hasn't reached Hollywood userbase status, in Hollywood you could make a $10 million dollar movie, it could be a flop in comparison to, say, Iron Man, but the Movie industry is just so large that even if you're competing with Iron Man, there are just so many people who will potentially go out and say "Meh, I'll go see this movie", and then the eventual DVD sales, it's quite hard not to make your money back. Gaming just isn't there yet, even now, funding projects with huge development times and costs to achieve the graphics of today is full in uncertain successes or failures.
If you played FFVII, you'll like it. If you haven't, then I don't quite see why you're buying it.
Selling any console isn't worth it, because regardless of the now, every console has a plethora of potential games in it's future. You may be bored with the Wii in June, but come July when E3 hits and Nintendo has the opportunity to announce all of it's new games for the Wii coming out this fall, would you not be disappointed? The Wii will continue to have great games made in 2008, 2009, 2010, and all the way into the next console generation, selling it now deprives you of the opportunity to play the Wii's future potential, and who knows, if you sell it you may end up just wanting to buy it again because there's something really great out for it you want. Selling a PS2 because it lacked games at the beginning was a bad idea, because in the future the console was graced with Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, God of War, Ratchet and Clank, etc. during it's lifetime. Same with the Gamecube and Xbox, even though in terms of sales they "failed", I doubt anyone would regret still having a Gamecube and Xbox so that they didn't miss out on Halo, Fable, Windwaker, Super Smash Bros Melee, etc. Keeping a console and simply saving your money to purchase another console is always a better option, because then you have double the library of future games open to you, because you didn't deprive yourself of one console to be able to get another. And yes, I would say the same thing about the 360 and PS3.
Topping the list of video game music I could infinitely respect would be the MOTHER series soundtracks, some of the most beautiful and moving compositions to ever grace video gaming music. Eight Melodies: YouTube - Eight Melodies (Mother) (Vocal) YouTube - Eight Melodies (Mother) (Musical) Theme of Love: YouTube - Theme of Love (Mother 3) (Vocal) YouTube - Theme of Love (Mother 3) (Musical) Smiles and Tears: YouTube - Smile and Tears (Mother 2) (Vocal) YouTube - Smile and Tears (Mother 2) (Musical) I Believe in You: YouTube - Pollyanna (Mother) (Vocal) YouTube - Pollyanna (Mother) (Musical) Because I Love You: YouTube - Because I Love You (Mother 2) (Vocal) YouTube - Because I Love You (Mother 2) (Musical) Bein' Friends: YouTube - Bein' Friends (Mother) (Vocal) YouTube - Bein' Friends (Mother) (Musical) And of course the timeless, majestic, ground breaking: Psychedelic New Age Retro Hippie Battle Theme: YouTube - Hippie Battle Theme (Mother)
Although you could see it as coincidental, and there are plenty of other factors involved, it's interesting to see in graph form that: Look at the drop when prohibition ended. Also, L.E.A.P:
Drugs. Lots of them.
I believe FFVII thru FFIX were ported to the PC, as mentioned before FFXI is an MMO, and FF 1-6 are all available through console emulation.
Final Fantasy VI The end. Any other answer is wrong. FFXII having gameplay, HAHAHA! Good joke, man, high five.
Disagree: You can't consider yourself that much a fan of the RPG genre, perhaps, if you've never played a Final Fantasy game.
It didn't mean much..Mr. Hanekoma is an Angel, Joshua is the Composer, and he seems to miss Neku and the others, but he has responsibilities as the Composer.
Not really; Kingdom Hearts 1 sold 3.5 million copies in the United States, 1 million in Japan. Chains of Memories sold 1.3 million copies in the United States, 300k in Japan. Kingdom Hearts 2 sold 2.5 million units in United States, 700k in Japan Though the re-release of KH2 in the form of Final Mix+ bumped the Japanese figures up to 1 million
Well, sales have picked up for the past week because of MGS4, but the PS3 isn't really "catching up" to anything any time soon. Even if we were optimistic and the PS3 were to somehow retain it's MGS4 sales (300,000 units worldwide a week), it would be 2009 before the PS3 caught up to the 360 (which is basically all the PS3 can compete with at the moment, the Wii is in a whole different stratosphere)
Axelrific, your point is sorta contradictory, as Sora was based on one of Nomura's other characters, Sion, from The Bouncer. Therefore, you really shouldn't be interesting in a game with a Sion clone, like Kingdom Hearts. Also, Neku is an infinitely more developed and interesting character then Sora ever has been. And KH is hardly S-E's "Top 1" franchise, the series really is surviving based on how popular it is in America (Disney territory), it's not all that popular in Japan.
It is not a card system literally, there are no "cards", the connection is drawn by Chains of Memories' "customizable attack deck" system. Birth By Sleep's battle system utilizes a command deck completely customized by the player, set up before you enter battle, and selected through an alloted number of abilities gained thus far in the game. If you notice in the leaked trailer, there is already this deck in place. Pay attention to the battle scene, every time Terra uses magic, the command menu "scrolls" to another attack. It is not literally a deck of cards, but a "Deck" in that you customize a preset list of magical abilities that you can cycle through to use. Each time Terra used a magic attack, it disappeared from his "Deck" because he used it up, and the next magic attack in line took it's place. So, as a player you will most likely obtain several different "magic", "attack", and "item" abilities that you will then place into your command menu as a deck to scroll through and make use of.
Run the .exe hurfdurf
No, I shall make a world of penis creatures. It shall be a glorious world.