Get used to it, a lot of people don't seem to realize how ****ing terrifyingly dangerous Google is and has always been, how much information Google has on every single one of you, that if at any point Google, it's information, or it's technologies falls into the hands of the wrong people Government (see: the United States Government), we are so completely beyond screwed. Google, essentially, is the very sapling of a Big Brother state.
I wouldn't call it fake, perhaps exaggerated to "lol this update borked 90% of PS3s", we've had 2 members of KHInsider's Sony group who had their entire hard-drives wiped when they updated, they didn't even know about the problem before it was mentioned to them that the update was having random problems with PS3s. There hasn't been an update that has bricked Wii's or 360's yet, though 360s tend to brick on their own due to hardware problems, but never a software update from Microsoft.
Why can't Sony just package it with the PS3, seriously.
Giving you a bad karma? Do you know what karma is? Pay attention to the thread, it was not a children's television show, it was a PG-13 movie from 1984 about Mark Twain. And just having Satan in something doesn't make it bad, plenty of pro-Christian edu-videos have Satan in them, just to say "Hey kids, Satan is bad mmmmmkay?"
No, because then I would need a license to eat my steak.
No, it's online matchmaking with up to 4 other people cooperatively for a dungeon raid, then back to your individual singleplayer campaigns.
Diablo III isn't an MMO, it's singleplayer with online cooperative matchmaking for quests.
No game is "the best game ever" The end.
Enjoy having no eyeballs.
Roxas was already a member of The Organization by the time CoM took place, so your timeline is a little off, if this is the case they would have already been calling themselves Organization XIII when Sora got there.
Cool beans
But I'm so tsundere, and he's so hunky.
While we're on the subject. One‘s interest is ‘piqued’, not ‘peaked’. You wait with ‘bated breath’, not ‘baited breath’. Also, to bate is to moderate or restrain, so please think about the meaning of the phrase ‘to wait with bated breath’ before you slap it onto the end of your sentence It’s ‘prima donna’, not ‘pre-madonna’. It’s Italian for ‘first lady’. What on earth is a ‘pre-madonna’? ‘Infamous’ does not mean the same thing as ‘famous’. You are not paying your friend or favorite celebrity a compliment when you call them infamous. This one should be obvious but god, you people. We say (or we ought to) ‘without further ado’, not ‘without further adieu’. ‘Ado’ means ‘the stuff that is happening’ – so, if your presentation has been delayed by commotion or ceremony, you may begin it by saying, “Without further ado...” ‘Adieu’, as you surely must know, means ‘goodbye’. So what are you thinking when you write ‘without further adieu’? What’s that supposed to mean? You don’t know, do you? Because you don’t think; you DON’T THINK; god, I hate you. I hate you so much.
I'm aroused.
Mmhmm. You can't blindly trust/accept whatever's written in text on a Youtube video, they always twist, minsterprete, and put whatever spin they like on what the video is about or where they got it so they can have a shock value to attract views. For one, it is not a Children's Show, it's not a show at all, it was a Claymation Movie made in the 80's. Secondly, it is not banned from television at all, and the story is based on Mark Twain trying to get to an appointment (I believe in the end it was Mark Twain's appointment to reach heaven?), and along the way he and various companions go through several adventures based on many of Mark Twain's own books. This particular scene was based on "The Mysterious Stranger", wherein the main character has a strange friend who calls himself "Satan", and through the course of the book he has many philosophical talks with this person, similar to that seen in the video. I also find it appalling that people with supposed Christian-values say, in response to the video's content, that the person who created it should be: beaten, thrown out a window, and/or hunted down and killed. Oh boy, you all sound like absolutely wonderful people, and you call the creator of this video someone who should be feared or ashamed? Look at your own responses to something as simple as a video with message or presentation that you don't agree with. "What should we do? Why, kill the guy of course!"
I laughed.
Uhh, yeah, anything from a 3D generation is definately not retro. pre-1995 is retro