Conspiracy? What? Im not allowed to use my dads ps3 anymore...DX
Not much. I cant use my dads ps3 anymore. Im getting mine next week hopefully, hes gonna be out of town...:( So, its just going to be me and my...
Not mcuh, do you wanna go to Night World XD :lolface:
[IMG] I hope it was for Sora...XD Here you go.
I love you too .
And I said JK right after... omg....XD
LOL, okay...XD
No, I didnt! :/8D:
Welcome back?! XD lol You already know everything so therees no point in re-typing it. :lolface: If you have any questions feel freeee to ask meh! XD
....... That was. . . distrurbing...
Im sorry I gtg but look in my albums to see Terras if you want to XD lol see ya tomorrow bestfriend...XD <3
[IMG] Its in my album also. I made this for you. lol. Its kinda bad I know, I was in a rush...
You live in Texas? (I just finished Terras XD )
Thats no homo. Us Michigainians say this. Girl 1: Oh wow that girl has a really nice body, no homo. ~or~ Boy 1: Bro, like totally suck it, no...
[IMG] Im done with your pic. It doesnt look to great. Its in my album XD
okk so what sup? XD
Tifa- Riiiiiight? O.o
lmao XD okk, Ill get done with it as soon as I can XD lol
[IMG] By the way, on paint on the computer I can make you a Riku thing??
Tifa- Terra are you ok?