Yup, yup XD lol
Rawr ? Wanna play a trick on Riku? XD
Theres a couple sames but there were no good pics of Namine (NH)
[IMG] ^^ Here is Namines XD
[IMG] ^^ This is better XD
All she did was roll her eyes at him. As they came toward her she jumped on the walls, summoning her blade she slashed most of them. Falling to the floor she took out the rest of them. Dusting her hands off she looked at Alucard Its just not that hard... She said walking through the doors.
:lolface: XD Look at my pro-pic...XD
Uhm, I dont know. I dont think like those thing. Why dont you go ask one of them. She said giving a sarcastic smile. We are here for one thing right? So, we need to get it done so I can get the hell out of here. She said continuing to walk down the hall.
Oh wow, lol. Nice avii by the way. :lolface:
Yea, it could be worse I guess...XD But I think that mines is the worst...xD
Aww, poor you. (for being bored) :glomp::glomp: I made a Kairi collage (its now my pro-pic) but I epically failed at that. I need to make a new...
ikr ?
Pretty good, I guess... And youz? XD
As much as I really despise the looks of you right now, I kind of have to! She gave him the most bitter, sour and cold attitude ever. She walked past him, bumping his shoulder on the way. Are you coming, or are you just going to stand there? She said continuing to walk.
okk XD lol I just finished my Kairi collage XD
Yea, probably, he tends to be an ass most of the time :lolface: JK, I dont think thatll be an issue. XD
[IMG] Here is your pretty pictureXD lol, if its not that good, just tell me.
Yea, that would be nice...XD IKR!! GRR! DX
Not getting to use my dads ps3, yes. My dad being out of town, maybe?
Uhm, you just need to fix "shold" into "should". Other than that, I really like it. Great work...XD :noworries: