Ok, I wont feel dumb, I am dumb?
Oh, well now I feel dumb...xD
New character. Name- Ally Age- 14 Type- Human Appearance- http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxPljhFrjTQ9iwaELVsng7Hoc4y4Pv4DlaeSzEMNeepR1qSRJD Battle Appearance- http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsvnz5WrCylt7fT6G2nDY9mtOngm2EYSIL4bbm6wzqVF4Kgk5WBg Personality- Calm, obediant, caring, nice, sweet and manipulative with emotions. Bio- All Alli ever wanted was to fit in. When her parents died in a car crash when she was 6, all she ever wanted was to be loved and cared for. So, she is a human but she lives in Night World with Naomi, who has taken her under her wing to care for her. Color- dark orange
occ- So, technically your on Night Worlds side? I think what? Im making a human character so we can rp :lolface:
Im well occupied for a little but. Working on some collages, fiished Axel, Aqua and Tifas this morning. And rping. and posting in the forums to...
Nice. In the usual spot theres a thread where you can post what song you are listening to...XD
When I started playing Sora after Roxas found him I was level 6. Then all of a sudden Donald and Goofy jump start ahead of me to level 7 and I do all the work. All they do, is cast magic. So then, I took away their magic so they will actually battle >:3 but at first that was a rip off... >>
Oh, whatcha listning to?
ooc- oh nice. Are you planning to side with night world or be against them?
Not much, just rping in the night world (as always) :lolface: You??
1) Oh, well then I guess I wasted a gernade then XD lol 2) Yea probably... XD
Oh, nice....xD lol
OOC- No, that was good. A scene outside of Night World. IT IS VERY GOOD :noworries: XD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1YbOMDI59k Havent seen it quite yet but I will. The trailer makes it look like a really good, over the edge movie...xD Any opinions? If you saw it, what did you think about it?
I only watched the Doctor Who series with Matt Smith in it. Its a really good shoiw and I love it! Some shows leave ou with cliff hangers and I just cant wait to see the next show. But above all, I dont think the show really needs that much improvment. :lolface: XD
I remeber the one with the 'vampire' creature that lived in this old house. And the little girl walks downstaris to check on her dad, and th thing is eating her dad. I was like "Awh, no. WTF?" That thing looked real but it could be mass make up and all this other stuff...
Rawr-Rawr .
Well actually 2 things... First one was an accident but then realized it was a glitch. Second one was not knowing that zombies could so this and then almost dying at level 15...D8 First one. Alright, in the corner, by the window that is all black out, someone has to lay down, head facing the corner. So technically your laying down in the middle of the corner. Someone throws a gernade at your head in the corner. Then they run and jump right on top of you. If you did this right, you should here a creepy child/baby laugh. You both will need to be revived so make sure you have mopre than 2 players. Once that happens thats all you need to do. What was the point of that? It makes more boxes appear and it gives you a whole lot BETTER guns when you choose a box. But you must be warned, doing this brings you 5-10x more zombies and zombie dogs. So, atleas have 4 people if ou want to do this glitch. The second thing I realized was that zombies respawn? I made a crawler round 15 to go rebuild all the barriers, my friend died so I was the only one to get this done. The whole entire map of Kino Der Toten was open, so that was alot of barriers to fix. The crawler was slow enough so I went to rebuild as many borders as I could. Note this: that crawler was the only zombie left out of the whole round. (I checked.) Next thing you know, I hear the zombie moan/scream. I looked behind me and there was this zombie, with legs, running after me. I was like "WTF?" I thought it regrew its legs or whatever but when I told my brother he said "No, when the zombie dies like that, and you didnt kill it, it respawns" "Ohhh!" Well then, I guess zombies respawn...:lolface: What do you guys think? xD
Yea, this conversation isnt going anywhere...>_> What to say, what to say...<_<
Black Ops!! :inlove: I love Black Ops. I know im a girl, so its a surprise to most boys that a girl like me plays COD, but really, I love the game.. And zombies!! XD lol.