I dont know. Ill figure out a reason soon xD
Uhm, I dont play video games... O.o
Riiiight? lol
Haha, nothing really. xD Hiding in my basement
Haha, so whats up? xD
Oh, cool. I think. Its boring. Ack!
Awh! Thanks Daxa! <3 :glomp:
Hey how are you?
What did I miss?
Yea, I made them. I kinda messed up on them but there all good and presentable...xD
I dont know my head just hurts. . . I feel like im going to be sick. . . :(
Funny funny funny xD lmao
LOL, ill make a Sephiroth one fer ya! xD
Uhm. . .? I dont really know. . . :(
I am so very late on things. I really never heard of this. :3 My apologies dear king :lolface: xD
You saw the pic?
Yea, sorry. . . .
Hey Daxa... Look in my random collage album... Theres a red one I know youll enjoy...>:3
Just asking. xD
NM, really you? uhm, pm me..