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  1. Cutsman
    hahaha i LOLD when he was like oh wate let me get the camera!! then he gets thrown into the air hahaha really weird
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Cutsman
    Hmm that would have made it alot more interesting.... although if that had happened, it wuld have taken alot of the plot.... especially the main character, but i guess they could have played off it.... :|
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Cutsman
    Hmm, at first when I saw the movie I HATED it, but after seeing it second time, I think i got to like it more then first, it did have a very good story-line, and then i kinda ignored the end and it was good.... I liked the movie
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Cutsman
    Wow, a guy got ticked off at me for advertising, he was all like, DONT ADVERTISE ON MY THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i even complemented him on his thread,geez some people LOL
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Cutsman
    YAY!!! now im gonna go advertise my story lol, hopefully someone will respond to it so i can know
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Cutsman
    Ok ill do a test hang on ill brb

    ok im gonna try a test here it goes:

    Click here to read my story

    LOl wate that one didn't work it didn't lead to my story here ill try another attempt.....

    Click Here To Read My Story
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Cutsman
    Does anyone know how to upload a hyperlink, cuz like i wanted to put it that you can click on my signature (that is being made now) and be able to go to my story that i wrote on here?
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Cutsman
    Nice, I'd like to read more of it whenever you get more developed but the art looks great so far
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Cutsman
    Zexion kicks but!!!!!!! MUWAHAHAHA

    check out my story, its called departed souls under original work! tell me what you think
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Cutsman
    YAY! i finally finished the first chapter of my story! I wonder what people will think......
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Cutsman
    Hellow, this is called the Departed Souls, it is a small story i have been writing so tell me what you think, and i might continue on writing if you guys like, and if u havn't noticed i will use better grammer when writing the story... Ok here it is

    Departed Souls

    Chapter 1=Giving up?/ Introductions ​

    Kiyoshi dodged to the left, right before the lazer blast burned a whole in the wall behind him. He quickly looked upward only in time to be hit in the head by a small rock. Stars ran in front of his eyes as he sat up, he rubbed his forehead where he had been hit. "Ow," he mumbled under his breath, he looked down and saw the rock that he had been hit by. He took it up and threw it at the Training Android that had shot at him. "Stupid Robots," he said, as the robot began to malfunction.

    "Oh now, you aren't going to give up already Kiyoshi?" a voice said behind him. He turned around just in time to block the cardboard sword coming towards him. He unsheathed his fake sword also, swinging at the legs of the other boy. "Not a chance Leiko!" Kiyoshi shouted, nearly behing hit on the arm by the sword. He quickly jumped into the air doing a backflip off of the wall behind him landing behind Leiko. He quickly did a sidewards slash hitting Leiko making him fall to the ground. "You aren't going to give up already are you Leiko?" Kiyoshi had on a stone-hard face looking down at Leiko. They then both cried out in laughter, soon hiccuping so hard they felt as though they would puke. "You have been training haven't you Kiyoshi!?" Leiko remarked, "How did you possibly notice?" Kiyoshi said with a large smirk on his face. "Hmm, it might have had something to do with the fact that you did a backflip off a wall!"

    Kiyoshi, a 14 year old boy had been best friends with Leiko since they were both in grade school, he was about 5ft 5 in, standing 3 inches smaller then Leiko. But that was only because Leiko was already sixteen, and more mature then Kiyoshi had been. Kiyoshi, had dark black eyes matching his somewhat lighter shade of black hair. It came down in small strands in front of his eyes, and almost in a spike at the top scalp of the back of his hair. His eyes, were very dark, almost matching his pupils. He had on a grey hooded sweater that also had black stripes crossing at his wrists. He had a checkered wristband and a black ring on his right hand ring finger. He had on baggy baige pants, with small cuffs at the bottom, becuase he would often step on them, and small brown skating shoes that were one size larger then he really needed, hence him tripping on them often. Leiko, had lighter brown hair but was much spikier and had a black highcollared longsleeve zip-up hooded sweater. He also wore baggy pants, but used his favorite color, wich just happened to be the same color as his hair (brown).

    "Okay you ready to go, I'll pick up the cruiser!" Kiyoshi exclaimed as he and Leiko walked out of the training hall. "Hmm, I suppose but where is Mitsu?" "Whasn't she with you when I left to train?" Kiyoshi asked. "No!, she said she was going to find you and ask you something, we have to find her first before we leave!" Kiyoshi nodded and pointed to the left as if to tell him that he would search this way, and he should search the other. Kiyoshi walked to where he was pointing quietly sneaked across the metal floor of the warehouse. He slowly walked towards the shadow of what looked like 14 year old Mitsu. He slowly paced across and hid behind a stack of boxes, labeled " Souls Villiage." He slowly snuck up to the "shadow" and jumped out only to find that he had scared a pile of engines. Across the hangar was a starcruiser, able to transport anyone to any world that they would want to go. Kiyoshi, Leiko, Mitsu, and Suki had always dreamed of going to the different worlds, to have adventres in uknown vicinities, to meet strange and interesting people. Suki, the 17 year old girl, had stayed behind in town to help with the new shipment of lightREX, to add to the cities defences.

    For the past 1000 years, they had been battling the darkness from taking the hearts and the souls of the citizens of more than 3000 worlds. But, the lightREX had been running out lately, the small white and silver orbs that protected just one huge world, was droping like a lead baloon in negative gravity. Soon, the dark would overtake all the worlds. The dark denizens had an endless supply of darkness as long as they controlled the world that held the light and the dark. As long as they controlled Rexus, they could develop any darkness they wanted. At the beginning of this war, the world Rexus was shared among all people, until a group of rebelious people, went anarchy and released all the darkness inside the world's core. Soon, all that was light, the people and the cities, were razed. But the dark ones lived on, the humans that used darkness to destroy the others were soon known as the Dark Denizens, or just the Dark Ones. Soon, the world was completely dark, there was no such thing as day-time,it was always night. Complete darkness hovered over the world. And now, the Dark Ones were spreading their darkness to the other worlds, destroying them one by one. But some worlds, such as "Souls Villiage," had no part in the war, or atleast so they thought......

    Now as you may have seen, this chapter was just the introductions to the backgrounds of the characters, and the Dark Wars that have been going on. Yes, I promise you there would have been more action in the chapters to come but that is oly if you want me to keep going. have a few chapters saved in my folio, so just tell me what you thinkad if i should keep going ! Thanks
    Thread by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Cutsman
    oh snap, i missed it what is your nickname? i have just been calling you kikame lol
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Cutsman
    No no, I like the name Ty, I hate it when people call me Tiger, i swear i want to kill them
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Cutsman
    Ok then... Ty, I get called that alot anyway.....
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Cutsman
    Sorry, was gone for a lil while, my grandma was here, i really dont care what nickname you give me...... Or why not my name 0.0? Tyler.....
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Cutsman
    Ello, I would like one! lol, btw i kinda have a lil bit of stuff to add.... i may be able to upload some pics of the stuff here in a sec......

    Render:A picture Of Riku, and a pic of Roxas, facing each other
    Any Specific Colors: A darker contrast, possibly dark purple and black mostly,. add in whatever you want, just no oranges!!! lol
    Text: In the to left corner have "Darkest Blade", in small but bold white letters, or any color that you can actually see it, then in the bottom or bottom right put "Two Destinies"
    Anything else:I wouldn't mind having "Two Destinies" in lighter writing, and maybe even in a nice cursive or fancy writing

    Yeah i know, im sorry im picky, i might edit in some pics k bye!

    Edit1: here is one pic of riku that might work....

    Edit2:here is a pic of Roas, just contrast it to how you want... or find a diff pic idc
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  17. Cutsman
    Hellow people
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Cutsman
    Wow....., my god that was scary
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Cutsman
    I at first liked Lost..... but then they got it so weird..... I mean it started with the weird numbers, then they are all apparently dead but they are still alive and they are in the between??? then they were all angels, or what is a dream!? then the underground place gets blown up and a large flashing light goes off, then Charlie dies!! Before that though we find about that weird group the "Others"wich we now know that they are humans, but they can't make children or else they die.... Lock went from a paralyzed guy in a wheelchair to a guy that could walk, get stabbed in the leg and walk it off!!!! Then theres the whole number conspiracy again, Lock gettin pissed when people wana leave the island, he shoots that one chick in the back with an arrow,then you find out about a weird house with a guy named Jacob who isn't there 0.0? and then the rocking chair goes nuts!!! then they apparently get someone on the phone that say they are coming for them, then according to the new episode they are not the "First Priority?" No seriosuly whats with Lock!!!!!!!! he's one strange ambre

    yeah, after all that, i kinda lost interest.... especially if you miss one episode, you miss the whole season it seems... lol, still a good show i thought, until i missed an episode XP
    Post by: Cutsman, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Cutsman
    Hellow All!, I have made a few poems, so instead of having a bunch of poems spread out through the forums, I will have this small little, i dunno, "File" of my poems that I have written. I am a newer one of the poets with barely any experience with writing, but hey! I like writing my poems, so here is the one that I Actually submitted into the January Poem Contest, so I'll see how it turns out, this one is called "Hidden Love", and I hope you all like it! And if you have never read my poems they normally revolve around the life of teenagers around the world, so that the readers, (if teens) can relate easily, or if they are older!! Either way I hope you like 'em! Here it goes:

    "Hidden Love"

    I want to tell you my feelings,
    I guess I'm just too scared
    Afraid of what you'll think
    And say when I'm not there.

    My love for you must stay hidden,
    Behind the barred cage of my heart
    Our friendship is just too important
    My feelings can't be smart

    The destruction of my love,
    My heart is a battlefield
    To tell, or not to tell
    My feelings have got to yeild

    Since we were born,
    For, all these long years
    I know what you could say to me
    My eyes would swell with tears

    I want to tell you how I feel
    But what if you dont feel the same?
    This deciscion bouncing back and forth
    Its just like some child's game

    My hidden love is killing me
    Its like a gun is ravaging inside my heart
    I start to gag, a feeling I can't shake
    Then the pain begins to start

    So I just let go, of all I feel
    In my heart grows a kink
    I want you to like me
    But i'm just too afraid of what you think.....

    Ok this is my first entry into my small little "File" of my poems.... tell me what uou us think and I might keep adding on to this file! L8er~ =P
    Thread by: Cutsman, Jan 31, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives