35459, go go go
LOL soz let me specify, i read all the books,i emant i wish he would make more "MOVIES", although they did come out with a movie for the Hobbit but it was a rly stupid cartoon, i think they shold have redone it...
I'm taking that as a yes? Those were some very good movies, i wish the director would make more....
lol, have you watched any of the Lord of the Rings?
oh yeah, i saw the commercials for it, doesn't really look like a movie i want to see... i dunno i might though when it comes out
Hmm, I agree with you Kikame, it didn't teach you anything, but yeah that one scene in the helicopter was the most epic part of the whole movie. I hated the whole shaking the camera part, it was just too nauseiating and i thought it was pointless, others are all like, YES but it gave a feeling of realism, and all i ahve to say is, all you see most of the time is the camerea shaking and it poisnting at the ground.... but besides all that it was an ok movie
should I continue on to the next chapter? tell me what you think
Oh, yeah i like horror, my fav ATM is Disturbia, it doesn't actually get scary till the end but I still loved it, it was really great
oh got it, wasn't that the one that was kinda filmed like Cloverfield
WOW< what was that?
what does that stand fir?
LOL Shippo was worthless!!
Normally movies dont either, but that one just scared the crpa out of me.... games do affect me too, like when i played Star Wars Battlefront2 I dreamed i was in the war on Kashyyk and it was pretty weird..... lol really weird
Dunno, I might continue on my story *you can click on it from my siggy* or skateboard, go to friends house, concerts, listen to music, slit my wrists *just kidding*, Watch TV, DONT READ! play ps2, watch movies, party, Run, DONT READ! hmm thats about it
They all started after watching Stephen King's IT when I was 8, and it has haunted me ever since then
Hey guys, wow that is an interesting dream, mine normally consist of im in some food shop and i get shot, i really dont know y but i have had that dream so many times, and it is always me being shot from this same clown
Gotta go guys l8er
No no special effects..... but it was nasty..... Lol 6'2 to 2'5! geez i feel bad for him, im really short for my age, so im always bein made fun of and it sucks, pore guy LAWLZ
I've seen some pretty nasty crap too, like a little girl falling onto a pole and it going through and you see it, and a guys face getting blown off and it is laying on the wall.... but that part i dont know why but made me feeel weird
SERIOSULY!!!??? I couldn't tell by the way the camera was shakin so freakin bad ... nyway, i didn't know that, did anybody get like nauseas when uh whatsherface blows up? a guy 2 rows in fron of me threw up!!!! nasty LOL i love that ending, that was the monster that stepped on 'em right? some are like it was a bomb... wich i knew the first flash was the bomb, but i thought where he goes like look at me look at me I love you! i love you too! then bam, so i was right right?