ok now that i am past introductions, i too started CoM so that i would understand the basis for the story-line a peculiar more. I am now repeating it for the second time, and I have gotten to Destiny isands, the homeland of the omniscient character, also I have picked up a grandious vocabulary from listening to my Literature Teacher rant on about the foundations of the words of life.
its going great Xemnas_14, hows life?
Wate, im caucasian, its just some random thing i say........... i dont know why but i didn't medan that to seem racist, as it would apply to me as well, except im a saltine
Hey guys whats new?
I'm not sure as how to take that? Racist?
oh double teaming me aye? You'll pay for that! I now summon my YELLOW CONTACTS!!!! taste my fury crackers!
Ok here it goes again.... He used the magic spell stop, goes 2000 years into the future, invents the magic spell "GO Back", and while he's there he buys yellow contacts that dont fade and are magic, He then goes back, unfreezes the camera And WALA!!!!
Umm, he used the magic spell freeze on the camera, puts them in, then magic spells fire on it and wala!
Woh..... that was weired, how could i not ahve noticed that, my theory is that they all have on contacts 0.0 ooweeoo
OH crap, i gotta work on my second chapter of my story! l8er guys
*Cough* Cough* CONCEDED *Cough* *Cough* just kiddin *fillers* <---- muwahahaha howd you like those biscuits?
Ok this is probly gonna ruin ur original quote but im guessing you were using *fillers* as sarcasm becus my post was rly long? nevermind i get it, you use fillers to take up room...... got it ignore my first message
OMG i am really nooby, what the heck does *fillers* mean!?!? I keep hearing it and i have no clue!? im an idiot can someone clue me in.....
Lol im not even driving yet, i will be next year, so when i get up there and choose my prize there was a big table, i see a small $25 gift card, a little table, a golf ball set, and a really big box... The BIG box caught my attention, i didn't even bother looking at what it was i just picked it up as i supposed people were gettin pissed that i was takin so logn to choose, so i pick it up and walk to the table where i sign it away and they're like, "Aren't you a little young to drive?" and i was like, THIS IS FOR A CAR? wow awkward
Haha, I just got back from this banquet thingy for my dad's job, and I was put into a raffle-ticket drawing and i won an emergency car battery back-up haha
you dont need to credit me.... it was just something i came up with, i really dont care
hows about Nagora? Nag from arrogant or naggy, ora from aura or Ora , so just a thought lol
Thank you ill keep that in mind, chapter two, might be up tonight gotta go to a party-thingy L()L bye
LOL it was just so random, i had somehting funnier but the websight wouldn't let me hold it something abut KBsize and the area of the pic, but =( i just stuck with this one
Right... ill brb im gonna try to change my avatar to something i just picked up LOL YEA! it worked