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  1. Cutsman
    lol was that you? that is just too funny
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Cutsman
    Welcome to the guild, hey everybody!

    yay i finally got my second chapter done
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Cutsman
    Hey guys here is the second chapter, enjoy!

    Chapter2=The End of The Beginning

    Kiyoshi blushed after scaring the "bejeepers" out of the engines. But he then noticed the small sign that was hanging from the top engine. "Look Up."

    "What does that mean?" he said as he quickly looked up, all he could see was the high ceiling, the many small circular lights, and a low hanging banister.

    Kiyoshi turned his attention to the clanking sound behind him, it was Leiko. "Did you find her?" Kiyoshi asked.

    "If I had found her, would I be with you at this moment?" Leiko sarcasticly added. "I suppose not."

    The end of his sentence was only met by a large splash of water, and a pile of muck added on to that. Kiyoshi and Leiko followed the strong "mist" back to the source. Mitsu, holding the hose, and Suki, kneeling on top of the banister with an empty bucket, laughing as hard as they could. Kiyoshi dripping with mucky water kneeled down to pick up something that had caught his eye. He stuck his hand into the muck and searched for what looked like a small blade of silver. Kiyoshi then felt the cold metal touch his fingers as he picked up what looked like large Key. On the key-chain it had the letters DRP.

    "Now where have I seen this before?" he thought to himself. He paced across the warhouse to where he had seen the starcruiser.

    "Where are you going Kiyoshi?" Mitsu asked with one eyebrow cocked up. She watched as Kiyoshi, and Leiko following, walked towards the starcruiser. "What are you guys doing?"

    Kiyoshi stared up at the large silver starcruiser looking for some kind of insignia. Finally he saw it, on the top rim of the hood was the letters DRP. His eyes grew large at just the thought that he now had the ability to go to the other worlds. "But wouldn't that be stealing?"

    "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Leiko said. "As in we take this cruiser for a spin, or maybe, oh I dont know, keep it?"

    By this time, Mitsu and Suki had come across from the banister and sat down on their knees and watched Leiko and Kiyoshi talk amongst themselves. After a while they began to catch on to what the two boys were thinking, Mitsu sitting up first.

    "What are you two up to, your not thinking about going on a trip with that starcruiser are you--"

    "Of course not!" Kiyoshi quickly defended himself.

    "Well if you would have let me finish the sentence for once, I meant to say without US?"

    "Whuh!?" both the boys stammered at the thought.

    "But none of us even know how to drive one of these!" Mitsu added promtply, "So how do you think we can get off of this rock without knowing how to first?"

    "Well isn't it obvious, of course there is an owners manual somewhere in there--!" Leiko replyed in a matter-of-fact manner.

    "We aren't leaving!" Mitsu cut in, "what about our family, and how would we live out there!?"

    Kiyoshi defended for his friend,"Mitsu's right, lets just leave the keys where we found them"

    Kiyoshi placed the keys on a nearby table, placing them down reluctantly. "Am I sure?" he thought to himself.
    He, almost to reassure himself, patted the keys after leaving them down. Leiko shrugged as they all walked off to the cruisers. Kiyoshi and Leiko got into the cruiser, Leiko giving Kiyoshi a nod, they were off.

    The desert sand was beating against the teens faces as they sped across towards the nearest oasis. After about an hour of driving they came to what would have seemed to have been just a large box sitting in the middle of the desert. As both of the cruisers came to a halt, Kiyoshi took out a small lightREX orb out of his pouch. He pushed over the box so that he could see the bottom that had been hidden in the sand at first, and put the orb inside the small gaping hole that looked almost like an hourglass. The orb easily took the form of the hourglass and Kiyoshi heard a small "click." Slowly, the box grew about 3 times its normal size and opened. Inside, were any normal supplies needed, a large container of water, small packets off refrigerated food, and a small tank of oil. He left the water, and the food and refilled the two cruisers with the oil.

    "Ok, we are all set up and ready to go, right?" Kiyoshi for the first time had noticed that Leiko had his hand clenched onto something. "What do you got there Leiko?"

    Leiko only shook his head, and opened his fist, revealing the small key that Kiyoshi had been holding onto earlier that evening.

    "We're leaving this place tomorrow Kiyoshi, and they can't come with us, I won't let Suki get harmed. So it'll just have to be us."

    Kiyoshi was so startled by his sudden outburst that he payed no attention to the large, oncoming boulder. Then came the sudden crash, Kiyoshi and Leiko had no idea what had happened, it was just so fast that it felt like a jolt. Then, everything went black.

    Kiyoshi could faintly hear Mitsu's crying fits. "Kiyoshi wake up!, please don't leave me! Kiyoshi! Kiyo....."
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. Cutsman
    OMg the chocolate cake is cracking down! :O
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Cutsman
    congratz spike, well done, nice poems everybody!
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. Cutsman
    sorry i didn't get that either.....
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Cutsman
    Sorry, im really dumb, i dont get it....... sorry
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Cutsman
    I agree with both, Kh2 did have alot of great new features, but i didn't like all the scenes, there was really no hardness in finding the room, its like someone suddenly dissapears and they are all like, omg i think they went to that room! WOW! how'd you figure that out when you didn't even see them go!? also, like u said there were way too many scenes
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Cutsman
    I dont really like the rip-off movies, though i did find that like scary movie3/4 were pretty good, fourth was not as good as the third though oh and BTW, hellow all
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 4, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Cutsman
    okidokie, but nyways i gotta go, goin to somesuper-bowl party thing yay!, not l8er
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Cutsman
    Oh, K hmm i do wonder though if the yellow eyes have sometin to do with Nobodies, but wate doesn't Vivi have yellow eyes?ooh the Irony!
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Cutsman
    LOL, BTW i almost got my second chapter up yay!
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Cutsman
    I have wonered that too, also where is sora and kairi's heartless? I at first thought sra's was that one u fight in peter pan but it turns out it was just his shadow riku took and manipulated....
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Cutsman
    Ehmm "Top of the 5:03 to ya!"
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Cutsman
    yeah Vexen doesn't nor does marluxia, or Zexion
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Cutsman
    Oh Leaxus!, yeha i dont think so..... maybe Vexen does, ill be right back and check
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Cutsman
    "Big Sword"? Like as in Sephoroth or one of the organization mebs?
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Cutsman
    Top of the morning to ya, isn't the wonders of life beginning to rain out atop us like a bragadocious day of sunlight!?
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Cutsman
    Oh yeah,anybody got a pic of him as , uh, "Dark" Riku?
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Cutsman
    haha, aint life's greatest things free! wow that had nothing to do with anything this Thread was started with, im sorry to whoever started this!
    Post by: Cutsman, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX