oh cool but with animations it is right?
alrigh cool hopefully one day you'll get up to ff characters
cool of who? dark riku?
wen i had it barely anythin worked and people here always complain about it then i switched to codebreaker and everythin started workin perfectly fine also depends wat type of codes like ally and character codes never worked for me or glitched quickly
actually most NTSC codes mainly work on codebreaker if they work on gameshark they glitch more often
yeah 2pac, bone thugs, eminem, etc i love their music and they inspire me
thats fake of course it wont end
mines regular with a couple of gangs and fights but wats wat makes it fun it would be borin to go to an all peace school
can u post it instead cuz none seem to work
mines is to live good and remember to always be careful because i cant change wat i do or say to be happy and be myself i was put here to live good and i wont let anyone get in da way but as to why we were created i dont know maybe as an experiment of god? like all other livin things you never know
well dogs you can have more fun with them and stuff but cats are good too
i download music and music videos but i also love buyin CDs because i love havin them but yeah if its a couple of songs or i cant afford the CDs then i am
can u pm me it?
you got da codes? i kno they were done but never released but neocloud said dat he could make a leon code with just a dump
alrigh dat regular kh1 dump is wat i want. man imagine wat we could do. play as sephy, leon, cloud, etc you pmed me somethin but i forgot wat it...
yeah but im havin a hard time gettin one so if u got one then dat would help
lol ill let u kno wen my computer gets back on track
ah man dats hackin i could probably help out if u teach me da basics but i gotta get my computer fixed first my mom wont let me fuk up hers...
nah but i wouldnt do dat hitler thing
nah wat exacly is dat?