huh? who's rikus?
lol ok cool
oh dats awesome wait its ps2 not emulator right?
wat do you mean features?
dam i hate writtin those long as codes but if it makes it better itll be worth it
dam i cant imagine wat it would be like then mines dies my great grandmother is still alive but shes really old and im scared that she'll die soon so trust me i feel your pain i cant bare loosin her look we all go through this so enjoy him while you can do wat ever you have to to make your last few moments with him memorable
lol i thought you were leavin the site nice rhymes and have fun
great job does it work?
cool more new members this is a cool site to chill, have fun, meet new people, etc have fun
cool yeah its
so you cant add animations if you never played as dat character?
oh dats cool
oh i thought you say it wasnt since the character never showed up in dat area
but its possible
but wait once i saw this vid of riku fightin cloud with a couple of dark rikus as his allies in transverse town in khfm it was a hacked DMA
yeah but sucks that they can only be used in that world
oh dam that sucks
oh so you cant lets say put leon in DI since he never shows up there? or riku in deep jungle?
how come?
yeah they look hard to make so can you make ff characters with no animations?