ok cool \ man i cant wait
did ground attacks work?
so it will be like 16 in total?
thats awsome
thanks but i meant how many lines da leon code is?
yeah dat
oh dam lol ill stick to the one i have and nice how many bars is it?
the one with 8 bars? was it good?
ok and do you have the code for the perfect one? hope it works
cool so are you gonna perfect the first riku code? i had so much fun with it
oh thats coo; it sucks that it can only be used in the battle though
cool nice to have u here this site is fun so enjoy
cool so u'll get it done quicker?
lol thats cool i was thinkin weeks so its quicker than expected and thanks
oh i tried but couldnt ok cool well ima go and enjoy it some more later
somethings better than nothing hey while playin as riku is it possible to go up and get to tidus?
its all good as long as he jumps, moves, and attaks its fun
oh ok well either way i cant wait
put the most important ones u know. like the ones that will make it better to play as him
dont be so hard on yourself we all make mistakes and good luck