lol huh... well ask your mom to get strawberry flavoured? XD yeah, night!
lol, probably good you eat... i AM anerexic remember? well, Demi says i'm under-weight, which is pretty much te same as anerexic just that i don't think i'm fat... aaahhhh... drink milk? and if it makes you feel sick i'm guessing that means it's helping XD
i hate eating... i litterally live of off milk and water... <_< >_> with the occasionalk lunch and/or dinner... then why don't you go get some now?
lol, that's good... MY CUZ FORCED MEH TO EAT!!!!! T-T
ooc: don't sulk! "Good."
hey everyone i got back from my cuz's 3 minutes ago ^-^' so what's new?
ooc: in that case... SHE SAYS HI! "your quitting what exactly?
ooc: not really... in my imagination my initial element is Fire, so i'm immune to burns... that and i'ma shinigami you can't hurt me -_- and she PMed Saint as well so i assumed she PMed you's. bic: "Now then, do you want the next one shoved in or will you eat it."
what's everyone talking about?
Mellody leaped at him a sandwhich in her hand as he complained.
i'm on... *cough*five*cough*or*cough*so*cough*hours*cough* later <_< >_>
hey, i have most of those songs O.O expecially the elvis one *shudder* my dad is like the #1 fan of elvis and we have every single last movie/album/song in general of his... >.< and i gtg now, my cuz was meant to pick me up but there's been an issue and i have to walk to them so cyas!
uhhh V, i think you'd be surprised exactly how much i've most likely heard. and i like your music ^-^ okay... wtf?
haven't heard that one... i'll look it up now. nope soz Saint ^-^' EDIT: i looked up the stay with me song and i HAVE heard it before O.O
lol, yeah... it was awkwad keeping my mind on the fight with that playing... i feel sorry for Naruto >.< i don't think he'd ever forget what happened... listening to it now.
heh... it's a great song.... doesn't suit a bunch of people beating the sh*t out of eachother though...
Thisi s gonan be pretty random... but i used to have lips of an angel as the background music for one of my Mugen stages....
omg! sorry CupCake, and hi! yeah... that most likely won't work out too well...
still better than actually socking her one.
better reaction then smacking her one...