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  1. Dmaster

    um, school just finished... and yeah... :sleepy: nothing else i guess...

    oh, and guess what! there's a chance i might be related to CupCake O.O there was a family gathering and yeah... i met a cousin of mine who looked identical to her (or at least the girl who's in her avatar, and used to be in her user pic and such...) ...oh, and it has been made official... i am the odditity of my RL family...
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 18, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Dmaster
    Hey Ds long time no see.
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 18, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Dmaster
    well... now i'm on...
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 18, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Dmaster
    hey V!

    soz i can't stay and chat but i h ave school, cyas!
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Dmaster
    ooc: i have too! anyways, we should probably stopspamming ^-^'
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dmaster
    hi everyone.
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Dmaster
    i'm okay if it's a mess-around fight... still get my ar$e kicked though XD but it's all good fun.

    but by default, Males render Females as weaker and insufficient. Don't ask me why cause i don't know, though, i believe it has something to do with the mistakes of the past. Basically males have always thought of females as ones whou should stay home have a baby do the dishes e.t.c. with no respect for them whatsoever... now it's similiar, what does this have to do with hitting girls? simply, as it has been put, it makes us look bad from others eyes. Though, some of us simply don't do it like, some people are gentle and don't fight, some argue, some simply think it wrong because of how they were brought up e.t.c. e.t.c.

    and random clarification... my own experiences with messing with girls (this was my sister)
    1st time: i was 4 and she forced me to brush my teeth so i tackled her, and she washed my mouth out with soap.
    2nd time: i was 7 and we were messing around, i accidently hit her a little hard and had a knife to my throat 20 seconds later O.O
    3rd time: a week after last time, i did it as a prank and ended up hanging of off the balcony.
    4th time: this was my last time.... i was 8 and had a butcher knife go flying past my head... and i wasn't even the one who hit her that time O.O
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Dmaster
    I was planning on righting this 'what if' story for awhile, but i realised almost no one would've heard of the series Summon Night, let along the game Summon Night: SwordCraft Story... then Destined told me to wirte it so here it is...
    “… May… cup…”
    Zach’s tired form rolled over in his sleep, mumbling silently. “Make up? With who?”
    “I said WAKE UP!” His mother now screamed at him, causing him to jump. “The opening ceremony’s already started!”
    “Oh… the ceremony… that’s not good…” Zach muttered collapsing back into the warmth of his bed.
    “Come on Zach, we should get up now…” Zach’s twin brother, Den replied curtly in his sleep.
    Zach smiled to himself as he silently fell back to sleep, jumping again when he heard a loud banging downstairs. “Mom!” He called out jumping out of his bed and darting to the door.
    “What happened?” Den asked as he pulled the door open.
    Their mother smiled curtly at them. “Nothing, Dears, I simply wanted to make sure you were awake”
    “Unbelievable…” Den muttered wide-eyed.
    “Why’d we have to get up anyway?” Zach asked walking down with his brother.
    “Oh, right… the ceremonies already begun…”
    “The ceremony!” Zach and Den yelled in unison, tripping on each-others feet, and falling down the stairs roughly.
    “”Oh, are you ok?!?!” Their mother asked running over to them.
    “We’re fine mom.” Den replied as both brothers rubbed their faces, the pain seeming to dissolve as they remembered about the tournament. “Damn, we have to get ready!”
    “Now hold on a moment!” Their mother ordered them. “I have to make sure you’re okay!”
    Zach looked pleadingly at Den as their mother grabbed him by his shirt’s collar and dragged him off.
    “Now then, what are yours and your brother’s names? And what’s my name?”
    “Are you kidding me?” Zach replied, dumbfounded for words.
    ”NO, now answer the questions…” His mother ordered angrily.
    “Okay, Okay…” Zach murmured back. “I’m Zach and my brother is Den…”
    “And my name?!” The mother persisted.
    “Amariss!” Zach answered victoriously.
    “… oh my god… you actually forgot…” The mother replied dumfounded.
    Wait, what?!?!” Zach asked, a=staring at her in surprise.
    “Hehehe, I’m only joking…” His mother laughed, walking to the nearby bench and taking out a necklace. “Now then, I got this for you…”
    “A good luck charm?” Zach replied seeing the necklace.
    “It was your father’s…” The mother explained handing it to him. “Now then, the ceremonies waiting…”
    “Sh*t!” Zach muttered running off to go get ready.
    “Hurry the hell up!” Den yelled at him throwing him some clothes, and running past him. “Grab our invitations; I have to find our hammers!”

    “What do you think the central tower’s like?” Zach asked as both brother’s sprinted towards the ceremony.
    “I don’t care, so long as we make it to the Ceremony on time!” Den replied curtly increasing his pace.
    The brother’s continued to run for a few more moments, stopping suddenly when they saw the massive tower before them. “You have got to be kidding me…”
    “Hey! What’re you doing out here!” A man in yellow yelled at them walking towards them.
    “Oh, Master Bron, how are you today?” Zach asked, momentarily getting side-tracked.
    “Bah, never mind that, aren’t you supposed to be at the ceremony?” Bron persisted.
    “We were just heading there!” Den explained.
    “Cutting it a bit close don’t cha think?”
    “Oh, right sorry!” Zach muttered as he went to run off.
    “You know, your father never mad it anywhere on time either…” Bron continued.
    “He didn’t?!” Both brothers asked this time.
    “Nope, slower then a turtle going uphill he was… but what are you doing listening ta me? Get to the ceremony!” Bron ordered walking away. “And come see me afterwards! And you better win the tournament, I don’t teach second-class apprentices!”
    “Second-class apprentices, well doesn’t that just fill us with confidence…” Zach muttered to Bron’s back.
    “Who cares? Let’s go!” Den ordered running off.

    Zach sighed in relief, when they finally reached the ceremony, leading Den to a small area, secluded from the crowd. “Wow, there sure are a lot of people here…” Den commented silently.
    “Welcome to the opening ceremony of the craftlord tournament!” A booming voice greeted, causing everyone to jump and look at the stage. “Lubert, the craftlord of ruby, Ureksa the craftlord of emerald and Sakuro the craftlord of sapphire, these three masters have deigned to address you, and you would be wise to heed their words!”
    As the voice faded, three men became apparent on the stage. “Welcome children! Welcome children of the craftknights who defend the city of swords.” Lubert greeted, making his old figure apparent.
    “Today begins the tournament, in which the skills you have learned will be tested” Master Ureksa started.
    “It was three years ago we lost Shintetsu, our strongest and most respected craftlord.” Master Sakuro interjected calmly.
    “Dad…” Zach muttered in a barely audible whisper. “It’s been three years since the last time me and Den saw him…”
    “And Shintetsu’s loss was followed by the disappearance of Tyram, the craftlord of crystal.” Sakuro continued. “We need to find replacements for these men, to the other craftlords of Wystern… as the guardians and protectors of Parista, the spirit that dwells within the holy sword! For this reason, a position has been made for one of the apprentices n this room… and we will determine which of you is worthy of taking up the position.”
    “Most of you lack the skill to be worthy apprentices, let alone a craftlord” Lubert followed. “But all of you posses the gift of youth, and some the potential that comes with it! We must harness this potential and protect Wystern. We must do whatever is needed to fortify the city of swords!”
    From this the crowd broke into multiple uproars, one of the more noticeable boys with blonde hair stood up, stating that “A craftlord should know better than to show such a flawed opinion! How does he explain all the adults who can’t craft a decent weapon?!”
    “Who’s that?” Zach whispered to Den. “I don’t know if he’s talented or not, but he sure doesn’t lack confidence.”
    A few moments later a nearby girl stood up.
    “The next craftlord should be strong and beautiful, like me!” She stated.
    “That girl is almost as full of herself as that other guy…” Den whispered back.
    Soon afterwards, a small boy smiled happily to himself. “Look at all these worry-warts! I’m guaranteed this tournament!”
    “How’d the kid get into the tournament?!” Zach asked in surprise.
    “Let’s just stop worrying.” Den encouraged. “We can’t offered to be nervous! We have to keep our promise!”
    “To test your skills and to see which of you is worthy of becoming a craftlord.” Sakuro started, silencing the crowd. “You are only allowed to fight with one weapon, crafted yourself! A battle is won when your opponent either yields to you or their weapon breaks!”
    “Sounds easy enough.” Den commented to himself. “We should be able to craft ourselves weapons that’ll see us through…”
    “We’ll prove to everyone we’re worthy of becoming craftlords!” Zach continued excitedly.
    “We will allow your masters to aid you in the forging of your weapons” Sakuro boomed above everyone. “We will also allow you to receive assistance in your battles… but only one partner is allowed!”
    “Do you think he’s referring to a guardian beast?” Zach asked silently.
    “All of you are hereby granted passage into the dungeon of the central tower” Sakuro continued. “There you will find the materials needed to craft your weapons. The person with the keys to the dungeon will present one to each of you later on.”
    “But the dungeon of the central tower leads to the shrine of Parista…” Den muttered. “I’ve heard rumors of summon creatures going mad down there…”
    “There are many dangers placed within this dungeon.” Sakuro stated. “These dangers will not be lessened or removed for you. You will have to confront them and overcome them on your own, if you cannot defend yourself then you are not worthy of being in this tournament.”
    Zach gulped as Sakuro finished his sentence.
    “As for who you will fight in the tournament, the opponent will be announced by the central tower before the start of your battle.” Sakuro finished.
    “So we won’t know who we’re fighting till the last minute…” Den realized, nodding his head in approvement.
    “You must remember a craftknights code.” Sakuro added. “A sword is not strength, a sword is not skill, and a sword is not fellowship. Let the code guide your efforts and they will be rewarded. Friendships will be forged in the midst of battle and when your skill is sharpest, and your weapon deadliest, you will be your own master. With this said I highly hope one of you will become our equal and join us as craftlords. That is all!”

    A few minutes after the Ceremony, Zach and Den were talking on their way to the silver guild, where they were based. Their white hair seemed to shine in the water as they talked; neither of them noticing the strange man that entered the silver guild just before them. They jokingly started a wrestling match as they entered the place that had become so familiar to them as of late. A few moments later they both cringed as they ran into their master. “What the?” Master Bron asked turning around. “There ya rascals are! And late again as well!”
    Sorry…” They both muttered in unison.
    Master Bron laughed at the two boys. “Apologies accepted. Now then, do ya’s think you have the skill required to win?”
    “Of course we do!” Zach replied immediately.
    Bron silently looked at Den’s silent figure, seeing the lack of confidence in his stance.
    “I admire your confidence Zach… but you!” Bron started grabbing Den by the hair. “Grow some balls! Yer father was a great man and earned the respect of the city, but you look like some runt!”
    “Gee… thanks.” Den muttered back sarcastically.
    “But don’t worry, I’m going to tell you how to take this tournament!” Bron stated.
    “Is that so master?” Zach asked blankly. “You do realize I’ve only ever helped you make them right?”
    “Ah, phooey, come with me to my room!” Bron ordered. “I got something special for the both of you!”
    Den sighed as he silently followed Zach into their master’s room, immediately noticing the strange man from before. “Master is that?” Zach started.
    “That’s right! He’s a summoner, and he’s going to help summon your guardian beasts! Now then I got to prepare.”

    A few hours passed as both Den and Zach waited for their master to finish, Zach running in eagerly when he called them in. “Den, can you believe it? We’re going to have guardian beasts at our sides!” Zach yelled in excitement.
    “Are we really worthy of this master?” Den asked uncertainly.
    “Why’re ya’s so ashamed? Did ya think yer would be winning this tournament on ya own?” Bron asked sarcastically.
    “I’m just not sure we should have guardian beasts…” Den muttered shyly. “Only skilled craftknights should have one…”
    “Well, the only way yer going to win is if you stop playing by the rules, and yer need a guardian beast, so ya getting one!” Bron explained darkly.
    “Yes master!” Zach replied enthusiastically.
    “Now then, do what you do Summoner.” Bron ordered.
    “Why certainly sir” The summoner replied politely. Now then, tell me child, what do you think of your father?”
    “I would like to know more about him I guess…” Zach replied queitly.
    “I see… Shintetsu’s child was raised quite well Bron.” The summoner commented.
    “Of course! He was raised by Amariss!” Bron stated cheerfully.
    “I see… well the bonds between child and parent are very special…”
    “What’re you guys talking about?” Den asked confused.
    “Amariss was the best teacher either one of you’s could’ve had! She taught you how to survive in this world!” Bron stated.
    “But she was highly over-protective…” Zach muttered.
    “Well, she did have to be both yer father and ya mother remember?” Bron reminded.
    “So not all mother’s threaten their children with spankings?” Zach asked incredoulesly.
    “Only the smart ones.” Bron explained. “Now then it’s time for you to get your summon beast!”
    “Not quite yet Bron, we still need two things…” The summoner reminded. “First something that’s important to the both of you…”
    Zach immediately pulled out his father’s good luck charm. “When’d you get Dad’s charm?” Den asked seeing it.
    Zach simply shrugged offering it to the Summoner.
    “And now, which did you prefer? Your mother’s kindness or your fathers strictness?” The summoner asked at last.
    “Dad’s strictness!”
    “Mom’s kindness…”
    “Right, I will now summon both of you’s your own Guardian beast.” The summoner explained, walking away silently. “Each of you take hold of a piece of summonite…”
    Den and Zach did as they were instructed, each marveling at the beauty of their own summonite. “Now concentrate!”
    Yes!” Both boys answered enthusiastically.
    The summoner now raised both his hands and began to chant, a large shining ball appearing before all of them. “Now I will open the portal into the other world, using the words and methods of the ancients…”
    The Summoner then continued to chant, as both Den and Zach focused on their crystals…
    After the flash two creatures stood their each looking at their own respective masters. “Wow, this is so cool!” Zach yelled running to the creature with flaming red hair and a golden horn shining on his head. “What do ya want?” The creature asked looking at Zach. “If you’re just going to sit there staring at me then I’ll go back to Silturn right now!”
    “Now cool your head Rasho.” Bron ordered.
    “You… so I have been summoned by a craftknight yet again…” Rasho replied curtly.
    “Yes you have, now stand at attention, this is the son of Shintetsu yer speaking to!” Bron explained angrily.
    “It is?” rasho asked suddenly filled with excitement and turning to Zach. “fine then, I will be your partner… you and i… we’re going to have fun…”
    “Ye-yeah” Zach stuttered in confusion.
    “Bron take me to his workshop NOW!!!” Rasho demanded dangerously.
    “Hold yer horses, just let me check on the twin.” Bron explained turning to see Den and his summon creatures were still staring at each-other, Den blushing lightly from how much the girl was staring at him. “… is this Wystern?” The floating girl finally asked.
    “Yeah, it is.” Bron explained gesturing to Den. “And this kid here is your new master.”
    “I see…” The girl muttered. “I’m Suggerine, though you can call me Sugar… please be nice to me…”
    “Su-sure…” Den replied unsure of how to react.
    ““Ya know, i was expecting from the same realms maybe but both you and yer brother summoned up both of your father’s summon beasts…” Bron explained nodding his head.
    “So, he’s the child of Shintetsu…?” Suggerine asked Bron silently.
    “Yer, him and his brother ova there.” Bron replied happily.
    “I see…” Suggerine muttered blushing lightly. “That’s good… that’s great!”
    Huh? Why is it so great? And why is she blushing? Den asked himself.
    “Right then, now that the introductions are finished… everyone up to the second floor now!”
    Zach chased after Rasho as he took off, Den and Suggerine following behind closely.
    “Now then, these quarters are only for participants in the tournaments…” Bron explained happily. “And since your twins you got to share! No then, this is your workshop!”

    A few moments later, after both Den and Zach had settled in Bron returned to check on them. “So, do ya’s like it?” Bron asked cockily when he saw them. “Well, you better because this is where yer both going to be working day and night from now on.”
    “Are you kidding!” Both Den and Zach yelled at him.
    Bron laughed. “No! you motherr’s already agreed that you should live here, so the decisions been made for ya! Now stop whining like spoiled brats, you should be happy, yer both following in your father’s footsteps…”
    “Yes master!” Zach replied, his natural enthusiasm returning.
    “Now then, I’ll teach you one of my crafting techniques tomorrow, I need to tend to the other participants now.” Bron explained walking out.
    “Yes sir, I understand sir!” Zach saluted to Bron as he left.
    “Could you be any more of a suck up?” Rasho asked playfully.
    Zach shrugged. “Hey Rasho,. Let’s go for a walk!”
    “what…?” Rasho asked looking at Zach and then shrugging. “What the hell? Been awhile since I’ve been in Wystern, TOO long in fact… let’s go!”
    And with that both Rasho and Zach left leaving Den and Suggerine to playfully pass random questions to each other.
    “Hey Master Den…?” Suggerine started getting bored of the random questions now. “Lets go for a walk!”
    “Wha-?” Den tried to ask as Suggerine dragged him out. “Okay, okay, I get it, we’ll go for a walk…”

    “Hey Zach…” Rasho started staring out at a boat. “That’s a beautiful boat isn’t it?”
    “NO Rasho, we should ask for permission first.” Zach reminded Rasho, almost immediately finding himself being dragged by the Oni.
    “We can ask after we hop OFF the boat, now come on!” Rasho explained dragging Zach to the front of it and dropping him.
    “Whatever…” Zach muttered back standing up and looking out at the ocean.
    “Heh… the sea’s breeze still smells the same as 3 years ago…” Rasho expressed randomly.
    “Hey Rasho…?” Zach started looking at him.
    “What’s up?” Rasho asked looking back at Zach.
    “Did you think my dad was a good craftlord?”
    “Are you asking me, did I think he was a good person in-general or if I thought he was a good actual craftlord?” Rasho asked back. “Don’t worry either way, I’ll tell you about all our accomplishments and the weapons we crafted and everything!”
    “You’ll tell me the WHOLE story?” Zach asked happily.
    “Well, not right now, but I will tell you bits and pieces as you progress.” Rasho explained rationally.
    “Ok, thanks Rasho!”
    Rasho stared at Zach dumbfounded. “Why’re you thanking me?”
    “Because you agreed to tell me the story, therefore you’ve agreed to be my partner!” Zach stated energetically.
    “You know… this conversation both intigues and confuses me…” Rasho explained. “You and your father are both… interesting, people, so easy-going…”

    “I haven’t been to the harbour in so long…” Suggerine released happily. “It’s beautiful…”
    “Yeah it is…” Den agreed happily.
    “Hey master Den, let’s hop on that boat!” Suggerine ordered pointing to a nearby boat.
    “Shouldn’t we ask permission first?” Den asked reluctantly following her.
    “But they did!” Suggerine pleaded pointing to Rasho and Zach.
    “Fine…” Den agreed following her to the edge of the deck.
    “it so nice here” Suggerine stated happily.
    “I’m so tired I can barely enjoy it…” Den explained, resting his head on the edge of the deck.
    Suggerine simply remained silent, staring at Den. “What’s wrong, Sugar?” Den asked, fainly using her nickname and cursing at how sassy it sounded.
    “… nothing… I’m just very glad to have met you, Master Den…” She explained shyly.
    “I’m glad I met you too!” Den replied happily, blushing lightly. “I wanna be a great craftlord just like dad was! Do you think you could help me?”
    “Of course I will.” Suggerine reassured happily. “By the way Master Den…”
    “Yes?” Den asked looking back at her.
    “I’m a creature in constant need of kindness...” Suggerine explained silently.
    “Alright… and?” Den asked, hoping he didn’t sound impatient.
    “Would you… be kind to me?” Suggerine asked shyly.
    “Uh… yeah…” Den agreed a little confused. “Of course I will!”
    “I’m so happy now…” Suggerine murmured to herself. “Knowing that my husband will be a kind person…”
    “Uhhhh… wait…” Den started, smiling weakly. “What are you talking about?”
    “Don’t you know?” Suggerine asked in surprise. “I’m your fiancé…”
    “FIANCE?!?!?!” Den asked in surprise. “No, I most certainly didn’t know that…”
    “Master Shintetsu promised me he’d give me one of his twin’s hand in marriage.” Suggerine explained. “And I AM your guardian beast anyway…”
    “Are you serious…?” Den asked weakly.
    “Absolutely!” Suggerine reassured cheerfully. “But I won’t marry you immediately… you have to tell me when you’re ready…”
    “Uhhh…” Den started on the birge of fainting. “Never?!?!”

    Three hours later, Zach’s could be heard yelling “WwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!”
    as stated before, i suspect no one will know what i'm going on about, but it should at least give you a good laugh... ^-^'

    oh and i got Suggerine's name wrong... it's meant to be Suggarette
    Thread by: Dmaster, Apr 17, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Dmaster
    ooc: DS44... i am now inclined to believe we are meant to be brothers, but got seperated somewhere down the family line. I too am over 6 foot... and you don't need to plan... i've already done it...

    "Well? tell me!"
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dmaster
    Hi family.

    i finaly wrote my 'what if' story...
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 17, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Dmaster
    ... i have gtg NOW, cyas!
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Dmaster
    ahhh... i thought you were simply being quite ^-^' anyways, i gtg in a few minutes <_< >_>
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Dmaster
    wait... Khhottie, did you ever leave in the first place? O.o
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Dmaster
    okay, Destined... let us move on from the jokes...

    seriously though, did i miss anyone?
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Dmaster

    are there any memebers i've forgotting to add?
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Dmaster
    ooc: She's in too.
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dmaster
    right, and what's so 'unsaintly' about you? had a little bit of a rough night...? jk
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Dmaster
    told ya's i fetl ranom :3 just wait till i start messing with usernames to make 'em funny.
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Dmaster
    ooc: WRONG! she is part of the writer's family!
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Dmaster
    "So... have you asked her out yet?" Mellody teased an evil smiled spreading across her lips.
    Post by: Dmaster, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home